How are you feeling?


Well-known member
i am feelin' fan-freakin'-tastic! hahaha :) i washed lola (my car) today in the hot hot heat! made me feel very accomplished and proud! lol... it's the little things in life, people! ha :D


Well-known member
Just realised im still self concious even when drunk. :( why oh why can't i be free from anxiety and self concsiousness even for 5 friggen minutes! ::(: J

Just come back from my friends 18th party and i spent alot of the time on my own wishing i was as confident as the other people up dancing. The drinks still in me but im sobering up!

Just remember that everybody to some degree is consumed by fear, and their actions are dictated sometimes by fear. While they don't mind getting up to dance, I guarentee there's things they are scared of doing.


Like a piece of burning crap in a garbage can. I have decided my family doesn't notice me, I am that invisible.

No one deserves to be treated like that especially by family.I don't know your family or you very well,but you seem like a really genuine caring decent person,they should be proud to have you around.Don't let them get to you or drag you down if you can help it.


Well-known member
i'm kind of depressed.. the only two times i sent friend requests to people on Facebook i get denied. /: it makes me feel so incompetent.


Well-known member
REally sleepy.
And annoyed by sirens right now...
I like having my window open to get fresh air but its loud as FK
This is one reason why I rather live in an forest.


Well-known member
Is really PSSD because I now smell cigarette smoke.
One reason why I can't have my peace while having the window open enjoying the nice breeze


i'm kind of depressed.. the only two times i sent friend requests to people on Facebook i get denied. /: it makes me feel so incompetent.

Sometimes I will send them a message if I get the feeling they might not know me and ask them first. That might help out some of the time.
I am down again. I am being drained of my will again. I came back to college thinking it would be different, and in some ways it is. But I have nothing ever to do, I go to class then rot for hours. I have almost no one to hang with. I am tired of others not being respectful, that is making tons of noise when it is night, or even early morning, when people are sleeping. I am freaking out about my choice in degree, I switch to something I know will be easier in the long run for me, less stress. But it isn't something I fully enjoy, though I don't hate it either. I find myself stuck here for another 3 years or something, and for at least 2 of those without those few people I know, they are leaving. So yea down.


Well-known member
I am feeling quite good. Having my birthday tomorrow with my girlfriend, so I should not complain at all.:) Oh well I have to complain about Internazionale winning today;)


Well-known member
I had a terrible day today, well technically it's Sunday now but my Saturday sucked hardcore. It was my BD Saturday and even though I don't like them anymore or want to be the center of attention, It hurt that not one of my friends texted me much less call me. Also had my grandmother lay a guilt trip on me for not accomplishing all the great goals my family had for me. Gee...thanks a lot for that B'day gift Grandma.


Aw, thanks dood didn't see this until now. It's just one of those days and maybe I am bringing it on mahself :/ I got more music to send you lol!!!

Your welcome Dudette ::p:I doubt your bringing it on yourself but I hope today is a better day.And I look forward to the music!

I feel better than I did yesterday,I felt a bit flat and down but I feel refreshed from the good sleep I had.I really think my persistence in getting into a good routine with sleep is paying off.
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Well-known member
It was my BD Saturday and even though I don't like them anymore or want to be the center of attention, It hurt that not one of my friends texted me much less call me. .

This is very comon this days..on one side technology is good but on the other.u see what happens..It's always nicer for me if someone calls instead of sending sms..I mean..your birthday is once year..

Btw, Happy Birthday Bama Heath! :)

And how am I today? Still the same..but today like I don't care for anything..just leting day pass..