How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Eh, kinda bored.::(: I was supposed to go see a movie, Iron Man 2, tonite but my friend cancelled on me at the last minute. Looks like im spending the evening with you guys...which is always a good thing:D


Trying real hard not to hate myself right now. I know I shouldn't but it's all I know.
Annoyed. My roommate doesn't bathe and he's smelling up the entire f**king room. Nasty slob.... lol.
Anyway, aside from that, I've been quite proud of myself. I've become more social, at least within this house (only in this house), and everyone else is noticing a difference in me. But, the more I speak and laugh around others, the more I question myself and who I am and where I fit within the two extremes. Sometimes, it's as if the improvements are having an adverse effect by making it even harder for me to define my personality. I'm such an inconsistent person, so I don't know how long this wave will last.
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I am literally trembling with excitement. My whole body is shaking. I can't even type properly. The adrenaline! What have I done? What have I done? Will I be skunted for it? Can I be skunted for it? Did I even do wrong? This place is insane life is good! I am going mad I tell you. If there was ever a reason for me to face my fears, it would be for this mind-blowing rush of adrenalin.


so i met someone off the internet yesterday, online we got on so well and i really liked him. In person i could not stand him, all he did for 4 hours was talk about himself and how amazing he is, he claims to have SA yeah thats a lie im 100% sure.
when i got home he text me asking if we was in a relationship now and when could we meet again... hmm id rather chew my own eyeballs then spend 4 hours listening to him again.

/rant over.
I dont want to study, cuz life makes no sense, having a career is hard enough, and what's the point in having a career when I hate myself and my life.. *have no life


Well-known member
Haha i feel great :D
I just woke up....12 hours sleep :D it was long needed, although im going to be up all night now oppsy
you won't feel this bad later on...and then you'll be greatfull you put the effort in to study all those times :)

thx.. and your prolly right.. but it's not just that... im even scared of studying to not get the A I need lol.. it's like the easiest subject and im f it up :p sorry for venting and ty :)
Lol my roommate is threating to call the police on me if I eat his f**king donuts. He's serious. People in this house are hilarious... I laughed in his face.
He's/she's transsexual/transgender (I don't know), which is also pretty interesting.
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Well-known member
Lol my roommate is threating to call the police on me if I eat his f**king donuts. He's serious. People in this house are hilarious... I laughed in his face.
He's/she's transsexual/transgender (I don't know), which is also pretty interesting.

What is he in for? Extreme immaturity?
What is he in for? Extreme immaturity?

Pretty much lol. He does act like a child, with his constant little temper tantrums. He also makes up these extravagant, exaggerated stories for attention. He left the light on last night after we watched a scary movie, but I guess we all have our things. Plus, he doesn't bathe so the entire room stinks somtimes ::(:
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