How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I've been feeling really depressed the past few weeks but today I feel fine and pleased to be around. But I know what you mean when you feel like ending it all. I remind myself I'll be dead before long anyway so why bother upsetting those around that care about you (me). You must have days when you feel OK so just look forward to those days.


Pretty crappy, but alright.

@Illumination: I respect your right to do what you want; however, i don't think suicide is worth it, so i urge you not to.
I still think about blowing my head off with a shotgun sometimes when things seem really dismal and bleak. But i know i wouldn't ever do it. Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts....Glad they're just thoughts.


going out now, lil bit nervous, hope the drinks will calm me down :)




Well-known member
I feel like we live in an amazing and beautiful world but this ridiculous anxiety will prevent me from ever being a part of it.