How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I'm so cold in this house and so fed up in these same four walls every, single, freakin day. ::(: it's extremely hard to make even the smallest changes.


Well-known member
I'm so cold in this house and so fed up in these same four walls every, single, freakin day. ::(: it's extremely hard to make even the smallest changes.

Aw, I know exactly how that feels. Cheer up though Aimee because you're wonderful and things WILL happen for you, love :)

On a side note, my day just got so very much brighter.


Well-known member
Totally happy. I'm drinking copious amounts of vodka.

It's only 1.30pm but since I'm on night schedules I think it really like midnight for me. That makes it all okay. Right?


Well-known member
Yes, it's okay. It's way past five o'clock here so I'm going to start drinking as soon as it gets dark. Cheers! Coincidentally, I have vodka too! The only problem is that I don't have any soda to go with it so I'm going to have to drink it straight.

Orange juice? Just make yourself a screwdriver :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Now that's an idea! lol Though, I'm pretty sure that we're out of OJ and even if we weren't, it's my kid's OJ and it would be kinda wrong to use it to mix myself and alcoholic beverage. lol Got any other suggestions?

What about water? it's not very interesting but it will dilute the vodka :)


Well-known member
No way hose. Straight up! From the bottle, no less. Alcohol tastes bad as it is, might as well get it over with. lol


Well-known member
OJ and any kind of soda are my two favorite concoctions, if I had to choose.

I wonder what it'd be like if I mixed in some maple syrup though... Or some hot cocoa powder.

*feeling adventurous*


Well-known member
OJ and any kind of soda are my two favorite concoctions, if I had to choose.

I wonder what it'd be like if I mixed in some maple syrup though... Or some hot cocoa powder.

*feeling adventurous*

Ooooh that sounds interesting, do it and let me know what it tastes like ::p:


Well-known member
Now that's an idea! lol Though, I'm pretty sure that we're out of OJ and even if we weren't, it's my kid's OJ and it would be kinda wrong to use it to mix myself and alcoholic beverage. lol Got any other suggestions?

Now I'm no alcoholic, lol but I do love making mixed drinks. Strange, I know. You could do a Bloody Mary though I'm not fond of it's ingredients. Vodka and Red Bull, Cosmopolitan if you have Triple Sec and some cranberry juice and lime. Or just vodka and cranberry juice works too.

EDIT: Paula you crack me up ::p:


Well-known member
Yuuuuum i'm liking the idea of a chocolate martini as well, i think i might have to pop out and get some ingredients, we can have an SPW cocktail night hehe

Kriiiiiiiiiiiiiistaaaaaa hey hun, i'm glad i make you laugh hehe


Well-known member
The only beverages I have in the house is water and milk. Nothing else. Well, there's prune juice, but I don't think that would be a good idea. I don't need to be drunk and sh*****ing myself. lmao


Accidents will happen Serafina. Oh, you can mix it with coffee and some hot chocolate.


Well-known member
Ooooh that sounds interesting, do it and let me know what it tastes like ::p:

I wasn't going to, but I tried just for you. Just a bit. The maple syrup shooter wasn't all that bad actually.

But the hot chocolate powder was a bust. Maybe if I actually made the hot chocolate first; but just mixing the powder in was absolutely revolting. It was like a chocolately paste with a sharp poisonous aftertaste lol.


Well-known member
I wasn't going to, but I tried just for you. Just a bit. The maple syrup shooter wasn't all that bad actually.

But the hot chocolate powder was a bust. Maybe if I actually made the hot chocolate first; but just mixing the powder in was absolutely revolting. It was like a chocolately paste with a sharp poisonous aftertaste lol.

Hmmmm i'll have to look into making the chocolate/vodka nicer, i like the idea of that :cool:

thankies for trying it out though, you rock :D


Well-known member
I've been washing dishes ever since I was 8 I think and I've been doing the dishes everyday now for about 6 months and I still haven't gotten use to it. Everyone else has a dish washer... or they just like cleaning up...(not anyone at this house though)