How are you feeling?

Bound and chained and yet I'd see
While they were mocking the copper nickels...
The copper nickels are mocking me...


Well-known member
Not so good. I had few smaller panic attacks on the way home from work..
I hate when I'm walking down the street and in a distance I see some boy/girl that I think I heart starts pounding..I start sweating..and then that person comes near and I see that this isn't even that person. :/ But mostly it doesn't matter if I know a person or not..I'm affraid of my own shadow..
Now I'm tired like I was diging and just wanna go to bed..uf I ADORE my bed!


Active member
Do people in the US know what "Chuffed to bits" mean?:rolleyes:

No we don't but it sounds like a cute little saying.
I'm exhausted and "hung over" from all the crying I did yesterday. I started my period too which doesn't help.
My yahoo message of the day is, "People suck".


Well-known member
Irritated, I have to do a dialog tomorrow in school for French .. that's gonna *peep* soooo hard.:mad:


Well-known member
well done my training now im stuffing my dinner :) also im trying to come to terms with the fact that philly was chose to be a mod over me ::eek:: :D