How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I don't feel so well physically, stomach pains. And oh, I hate that tomorrow's another Monday because I hate my current job. Working hard to snag another job ::(:


Well-known member
Feeling really full after such a small meal! It's amazing how much fuller you feel when you take your time with your food. When i rush it and watch TV i could eat so much more. :eek: I'm really shocked at how much i can actually eat in one sitting while rushing it all. Think i'll definitly take my time from now on with no tv to distract me!


Well-known member
Can't really complain atm. It's a beautiful day outside and I'm off work today. Although I'm wishing this headache would go away.


Well-known member
I just wish I could get back about 15 years in the past and start all over again. I have a feeling like I overslept this years..and that is why it is so hard for me to go out and hang out with people..everybody talks what they did in the past while I mostly don't have nothing to say..and that's not good for my selfconfidence at all..hate this!! ::(:
Uf, today is 'great' day..I'm going to listen some music..hope that this will chear me up a little bit..


Well-known member
well just came back from portsmouth to a submarine place were you can go aboard the old submarine its quite fasinating the old ww1 submarine , you wouldnt get me on one of those during the war :cool: no way ....


im not sure, but when you get a phonecall saying "i need to run murd back to the mushroom factory before it shuts" then things get slightly confusuing!


Well-known member
Bit of a turd day so far, had to go to an awkward family thing, my older sister is pregnant you see and will be having her baby soon, so her boyfriend's family was there too. It was basically a social nightmare, everyone kept staring at me because I was always looking at the floor when I walked (So I didn't trip over). I couldn't really say much, what I did say my older brother kept making fun of me for it, I don't like him very much as I envy his success.

But it's all over now thankfully, he's pissed off back to his own place and I'm safe in my room again haha so I'm recovering!