How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I am more than a tad pissed that someone on this forum just asked me to help them flirt because apparently to some people on here, I'm very good at it. I do apologize to any of you for giving you that impression when it's far from the case. I suppose I may be overly polite, I'll be sure to remember to stop doing that from now on because this will never be an issue again. I assure you :mad:

I never got that impression. I really hope you don't try to change yourself too much on here because of it.


Well-known member
I feel kinda confused atm. I spent half the day in a bunny costume for rent a senior day, and me and the girl who rented me might go out tomorrow :D. Also, nothing to do at 6 pm in the afternoon on a sunny day.

Rent a senior? What is that? And bunny costumes? Please explain further this sounds very interesting lol
yea, explain further, hell you can even start a new thread if u go out , gl btw ;)

ok back to thread i'm feeling lonely as hell, still wondering what can i do for that :mad: just me in the house and some other 40 years old man in the house, and i dont interact with him much. we still meet in the chicken when we eat, but thats all, i still wanna go out with ppl my age, he;s to old

Rent a senior? What is that? And bunny costumes? Please explain further this sounds very interesting lol

lol k will due. Basically, seniors at my school have a tradition of being rented out one day for various prices, with the money going to a charity that helps people with cancer. I got rented for 1 buck with the girl I'm going out with today. My friend was supposed to wear the costume, but he bitched out. The person who rented me said either bunny or a dress, so I said bunny suit. So basically I spent half the day walking round as a giant bunny, carrying heavy stuff/people, hopping, square dancing, etc. I wasn't even embarrassed, I thought it was pretty funny. Only bad thing was the suit was kinda small for me, and extremely hot. When I got out I was gleaming with sweat.

Anyway, how do I feel? Nervous for my date, kinda eager, and kinda calm. It's just one of those moods where u can't sit still and u have to do something, or you'll explode.
so scared of the future..
today, I felt a glimpse of what I thought was normlaity.. and I know i dont have it and am so far away from it, worrying i wont get to be normla, i know no ones normla, but the essence of normality..


Well-known member
board went out walked around like a lost soul then back back home again , did feed the seagulls 4 loaves of bread though , just to amuse my pea board like brain:rolleyes:

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
board went out walked around like a lost soul then back back home again , did feed the seagulls 4 loaves of bread though , just to amuse my pea board like brain:rolleyes:

that's a crapload of bread, what goes in must come out, i hope you aren't parked nearby