How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I'm very tired. If I don't come up with something super duper awesome to do in the next half-hour or so I think I'll fall asleep.


Well-known member
just had a nice chat with a nice guy on mini messenger , wont say who just a nice bloke :) so yea im happy ........


Well-known member
I had a dream that someone I know was murdered :(
I keep thinking about it and that is probably the only dream that really scares me.
This isn't someone I'm close to but it scares me.
I'm really worried.


I'm feeling slightly embarrassed. I just listed to some music by my brother's best friend's band. It was woeful ::eek::

Ah, well. I've heard worse. And as long as my brother's friend is enjoying himself, one can't really complain ::p:


Well-known member
Today was one of those really boring days and it's still boring right now. I don't see it getting any better either.