How are you feeling?

10% depressed for some place I need to go tomorrow.
10% depressed for I just remembered that I need to study for next week.
80% normal.


i seen my dad earlier, and he was talking about herbs and stuff, i wish i could remember what exactly he said, theres a certain type of plant that points north (ALWAYS) so if you get lost in the wild you will always know which way north is, unless you want to go south
hes gony give me the book the morn, extensive reading :)
plus my guitar tuner better arrive the morn, cause if it doesnt ebay is gony get its head caved in :)

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i seen my dad earlier, and he was talking about herbs and stuff, i wish i could remember what exactly he said, theres a certain type of plant that points north (ALWAYS) so if you get lost in the wild you will always know which way north is, unless you want to go south
hes gony give me the book the morn, extensive reading :)
plus my guitar tuner better arrive the morn, cause if it doesnt ebay is gony get its head caved in :)

moss? i bet your guitar sounds like a whiny fat kid right now


Well-known member
i seen my dad earlier, and he was talking about herbs and stuff, i wish i could remember what exactly he said, theres a certain type of plant that points north (ALWAYS) so if you get lost in the wild you will always know which way north is, unless you want to go south
hes gony give me the book the morn, extensive reading :)
plus my guitar tuner better arrive the morn, cause if it doesnt ebay is gony get its head caved in :)

You should try tuning by harmonics, it's a bit easier than just the regular tuning by ear. :) I'm sure you could find a video of it somewherez.


Well-known member
I am more than a tad pissed that someone on this forum just asked me to help them flirt because apparently to some people on here, I'm very good at it. I do apologize to any of you for giving you that impression when it's far from the case. I suppose I may be overly polite, I'll be sure to remember to stop doing that from now on because this will never be an issue again. I assure you :mad:


Well-known member
My folks are coming to visit me today, which I'm in two minds about. It'll be nice to see them, definitely, but the ritual pub lunch doesn't do much for my anxiety.
Nervous, scared. I have been on break from college after a major depressive breakdown, and I finally got everything in order to go back, and now that I have, and I will be leaving in 2 days, I am freaking. I know I should be ok, that I should be able to make it, but I am freaking out. My sleep schedule is messed up and that will interfere with many things. And I hate packing and unpacking, so much.


Well-known member
A little bit sleepy, but energized if that makes any sense? My eyes are sleepy, but I'm chipper! I've been cleaning my room for the last 3 solids hours and probably 2 before I went to the movies. Probably an hour more tomorrow to do, too. But I'm just focusing on clearing everything off my bed so I can sleep because I probably should. (getting my clothes in my closet). I know, you must be thinking my room is really messy, hey? Not really, just that when I clean I have to clean everythinnnnnnnnnnng and organize everythinnnnng and go through things. I mean, everything. What initiated the cleaning extravaganza is the fact that my sister is moving back tomorrow so I had to move my clothes back into my room (hekheke). Right nowwww, this is my break! cuz my mouth is getting dry.

Wow, sorry this is a long reply for this kinda thread, ha. My mind is too busy and chatty.


Well-known member
I am more than a tad pissed that someone on this forum just asked me to help them flirt because apparently to some people on here, I'm very good at it. I do apologize to any of you for giving you that impression when it's far from the case. I suppose I may be overly polite, I'll be sure to remember to stop doing that from now on because this will never be an issue again. I assure you :mad:

yea stop flirting with me :rolleyes: hahahahaha joke , naa take no notice krista , thats just 1 persons opinion that doesnt mean its right ;)


Quite embarrassed with myself. Maybe I need to avoid drinking for a while.


sorry the above was meant to be a multi quote, i pressed the fkn multi quote button, anyway im now in a bad mood, but i hope everyone is well :)


Well-known member
Quite embarrassed with myself. Maybe I need to avoid drinking for a while.

oh iv been there myself mate ..... just lie low for a while give it a few days then people will forget about what ever it was that you did :D well hopefully anyways :rolleyes:


oh iv been there myself mate ..... just lie low for a while give it a few days then people will forget about what ever it was that you did :D well hopefully anyways :rolleyes:

Lol yeah good idea, its time to put my stealth skills to good use.