Ah don't know how am feeling, really. Well, aside from being absolutely roasting due to the hot weather of late, I'd probably say I'm feeling kinda all over the place in terms of my thoughts. Uncertain. Unsure o' myself. And given a more recent development as of today, this afternoon: apprehensive and nervous.
Why? Well... no tae give too much away, ah might be doing something next year - next summer to be exact - that's really going to put me way outta my comfort zone. Assuming ah managed to get everything worked in time.
And ah know, it's always good to challenge yer anxiety, exposure therapy n' aw that. But my internal monologue is currently wondering just what in the hell I've been talked into doing.

Not that am upset or anything, ah just cannae quite believe that I've agreed to summit withoot so much as a 2nd thought or taking time to think things over. Anyway, I'll go into more detail once I've mentally processed things and calmed doon a bit.
Other than that: I've started working out again, just a wee bit. But it's a start on one of my goals, at least.