That'd be a horrible feeling. But if a heart attack is sudden and severe enough that someone goes off the road and presumably loses consciousness, their chances of survival were low even if a paramedic were on the scene immediately. And probably hundreds of other people passed by doing nothing too. I don't think there's anybody (other than law enforcement) who stops to check out every car that pulls over.
feeling lonely. I've got to go to my walk tomorrow. I don't usually post a lot on here but it's bc I hadn't got to my walks, etc. I hadn't because I had appointments and I'm tired of them bc I get tired bc of my medication. I wasn't on time once. I also have bible studies I reserved in place of the walk so I have had little exercise these day but I have 1 more bible study and then I could go to the walks full-on.
aw, you seem so... sad. Why that sad?Feeling a bit exhausted. Like I'm missing a day due to attending 2 concerts. One on Tuesday night and another last night. Nice to get out the house, though for what were my first concerts of the year. Even if there was a mix up with mine and my sister's tickets last night due to Ticketmaster giving up incorrect disabled access tickets - despite getting our usual wheelchair user and companion tickets that we've always booked.
Thankfully though, the female staff and woman who was in charge of the box-office were nice enough about the situation and let us stay at the show, instead of kicking us out of the gig. They just moved us to the disabled seating area in the venue's balcony area upstairs, so we still had a good view of the concert stage. Just a shame the headline band wasn't as great as the previous times we'd seen them live in concert.![]()
Disappointment, mainly. Because my sister and I were hyped and really looking forward to the concert. The pandemic had forced it to be postponed and rescheduled for this, you seem so... sad. Why that sad?
I see, not totally though but kind of get what you're saying. Ok well, wish you luck in the other events you go to.Disappointment, mainly. Because my sister and I were hyped and really looking forward to the concert. The pandemic had forced it to be postponed and rescheduled for this year.
It was a triple bill of bands we liked. 2 of which we'd seen in concert before. The headliner we'd twice when they toured with Def Leppard. The band who were 2nd on the bill, we saw back in 2008 - so it'd be over a decade since we last saw them. And they were the best band of the night, in terms of their sound, musicianship and the crowd interaction. They played their set as if they were headlining the show. And the actual headline band just sucked compared to the previous times my sister and I had seen them that we left the gig early.
Sorry to hear that. I can definitely relate to feeling that way when I get depressed as well, sometimes.Depressed like I don't care about a thing lately. Not a single thing I find joy in, i hate it when I'm like this.
r there any positives about your family that you could say about them? I was just wondering cuz no family is perfect. I can say very nice stuff about my family and bad stuff but I understand the need to vent about the bad stuff. Maybe a family counselling would be helpful like since your mom is going to counselling services, I thought your whole family could go? I hope you fix your laptop problem, Graeme.Tired in more ways than one. I've got a problem with my laptop that ah cannae figure out how to fix, been at it for a couple days now. And I don't know if my local computer repair business has reopened or went under due to the pandemic.
And I am fed-up with having the same bloody conversation over n' over again with my oldest sister. The other day there, my oldest sister segued from telling me the latest goings on in Johnny Deep, Amber Heard trial to banging on about narcissism, and how our middle sibling treats our mother. Making observations n' asking me if ever noticed them, like how the middle child doesn't seem to care or huv any empathy for anyone besides themselves. Or how, when she visits my mum and I, she never asks how we're doing or help out around the house. Naw, she just sits in the chair in the living room, on her phone on Facebook. Hardly saying a word to my mum, who's sitting on the couch opposite her. Which is ironic because my sister claims it our mum who won't talk to her.
And still, the oldest is surprised that these observations don't get a different reaction outta me, other than a tired: "Aye, ah know...". Like ah huv'nae hud the misfortune of overhearing our middle sibling fleeing off the handle, shouting n' swearing for the last 2 decades, then acting like the victim when she's called out on her attitude n' behaviour. Or how it's always me who has to deal with the aftermath of any and all massive rows. How am the yin who gets the full-on expletive ridden tirade from my mum, not the person whom it's actually directed at. How I'm never allowed to say anything cuz that'll just make things worse. What with me not being too honest and not one to mince words, or really caring how my words are reacted to when I speak my mind. Typical Scots mentality.
Plus, the middle child doesn't exactly take well to criticism or being judged. But she's more than happy to criticise me and our mother. Me being the waste o' space and mum not doing enough for her, apparently. Even though she's done more for my older sister than she has me growing up. But that fact isn't something that would go down well.
Must be great growing up in, or having, a happy family where ye genuinely love n' care about each other, huh?!
Yeah, except the middle sibling. I can't really think of anything positive to say about her, as we never got along when we were younger. She pretty much resented my existence. Not exactly helped by the contempt and lack o' respect she treated me with during my adolescence.r there any positives about your family that you could say about them? I was just wondering cuz no family is perfect. I can say very nice stuff about my family and bad stuff but I understand the need to vent about the bad stuff.
Ooh... I can't see that going well. Neither of my sisters seems to take my criticism of them particularly well. I mean, last time I attempted to make middle sibling realise how she was coming across to the rest of us. She cursed me out, then accused me of being "overly dramatic" for saying that it was a wonder that I hadn't taken my own life, given the sheer amount of stressful drama I have to deluded myself into thinking is normal.Maybe a family counselling would be helpful like since your mom is going to counselling services, I thought your whole family could go?
Thanks.I hope you fix your laptop problem, Graeme.![]()