I'm so sorry to hear about your middle sibling, that you never got along. r u sure you never got along at all? Why do you think she resented your existence? Sorry to hear about the lack of respect she treated you with during your adoloscence, so it got better in your adulthood?Yeah, except the middle sibling. I can't really think of anything positive to say about her, as we never got along when we were younger. She pretty much resented my existence. Not exactly helped by the contempt and lack o' respect she treated me with during my adolescence.
Anyway, positive about my family. My mum's probably the funniest, as far as sense of humour goes. She can always make me laugh. She's a good, kind-hearted and well-meaning. Is always willing to help where and when she can. She puts others needs ahead of her own at times. That's probably where I get my need to people please from? My mum pretty much shaped my taste in music since I was 12 years old.
She's also an avid football fan and a great cook.
The oldest sister is similar in terms of the sense of humour. Though, more like me in terms of making wordplay jokes. And she's got a damn near encyclopedic knowledge of mid-to-late 1970 and early 1980s electronic music.
She helps both my mother and I out, financially. If either of us need help to afford something. Like, how my oldest sister is always happy to either go halves on or give me money towards a new guitar or piece of guitar-related gear, if we happen to end up discussing that while talking about music.
My cousins are great, and a good laugh. As are my nieces.
Ooh... I can't see that going well. Neither of my sisters seems to take my criticism of them particularly well. I mean, last time I attempted to make middle sibling realise how she was coming across to the rest of us. She cursed me out, then accused me of being "overly dramatic" for saying that it was a wonder that I hadn't taken my own life, given the sheer amount of stressful drama I have to deluded myself into thinking is normal.
And when I tried to make a similar point to my oldest sister, she broke down in tears and stormed out the house. Though there's a few years between both those incidents.
Thanks.I did manage to fix my laptop. It turned out to be an issue with the 3rd party internet security I had installed. So, I've uninstalled it, and am now just using the pre-installed security that my laptop came with when I bought. The problem I had seems to now be resolved.
I'm glad about your mom, hehe. And your oldest sister.