Do people with narcissistic personalities tend to accuse a person of not caring?

Just wondering, because my older sister has that
frequently in the last 2 years. Despite that be utter $h!%*
And she made a snide remark to my face recently about how ah
“dae f__k all” around the house, and don’t help our mother. Which is quite funny in an ironic way. Because I’m always asking her if she’s okay if ah come downstairs and find Mum lying on living room couch. And I’m always saying:
“If ye need anythin’, just gimme a shout”. Taking my meals upstairs if I want to eat alone in my room. Instead her taking them up to me, like she used to. And, never mind that I’ve spent the last 3 years more or less begging our mother to stop over spending when she does the grocery shopping. But she never listens.