Ye think so, eh...? Am no sure... as ah huv’nae played an electronic drum kit since I was 13, 14. As I wanted to learn the drums, originally, but switched to guitar after finding the drums a wee bit too difficult to teach myself how to play at the time. And ah wus’nae that good, to be honest.
That said, I made a fair bit of progress when I started out on guitar. Going from basic chords, to learning how to read tab and playing my fav songs within a matter of months. So, we’ll see... I supposed the drum software I’ve been using to create my drums tracks via samples has gave me better understanding of how to transition one drum part to the next.
Oddly enough, it’s a Yamaha electronic kit that I’m looking to get.

I can connect it to my computer and assign it to the virtual instrument plugin I’ve been using to write my drum tracks. So, that’s handy...
Ah don’t know if I should just get the Yamaha KP65 kick drum pad which has room can accommodate a double bass pedal setup?

But ah don’t know if that me getting ahead o’ masel’.
Cannae say I’m looking forward to my nieces seeing the electric drum kit.

It’s bad enough they prefer being around me cuz I’m not loud n’ aggressive, they don’t need another reason to stay upstairs in my room.

Ah mean, they even helped me take apart and pack up a computer desk ah recently sold on eBay. Helping me with the screws and get it into it’s box. Once they see the drum kit they’ll never be oot ma room, they’ll be upstairs everyday !
Ah just know that’s how it’ll be... “Graeme !! Can we play your drums? Yay, watch me, Graeme !! Graeme, can ye should me how to play this song”
Well, am no sure how I’m going to learn as such. Other than listening to and figuring out the drum parts to my fav songs. As I don’t think there’s anyone in my local area that does private drum tuition. The only thing I’ve found terms of online lessons, is this YouTube channel called Drumeo. I think it’s based in Canada. Just stumbled across ‘em one day looking for a music documentary to watch, and found a couple of drum documentaries done by them, which were quite interesting. Anyway, that channel has a mix of lessons and in-depth technique videos which should be useful.
Or, if ah could find a PDF file just breaking down how to read the sheet music notation for the drums in relation to the kit that would be a great start.