That's good you try not to think about it too much.
Did you mean using positive affirmations? You were persistent, that is good.
Aye, positive affirmations is what I meant. Though, easier said than done if you were raised around people who were and are constantly negative, as I was.
Oh, you did them for the week whe?
Sorry, I must’ve hit post before finishing that point.

Those exercises my oldest sister printed off for me were done for the week when I’d just got my plaster casts off and was still fairly weak, physically, and need to build my leg strength back up if I didn’t want the surgery to have been a waste of time. And my rehab was yet to start by that point as well... so we kinda took things into our hands. Just to get things going...
So weight bare is weight on your legs without the casts?
No, it’s just I’d have to get use to putting my full weight on each leg when I was walking you. Something I found difficult before having my operation. And I couldn’t do it while I had the casts on, as my legs weren’t full healed until towards the end of February 2016. Plus, after getting the casts off my legs were still and couldn’t move much. Having been in plaster for over a month.
How did you walk with a walking frame with plaster casts on your legs? Just curious.
Hopping on one leg, and using the frame to support my upper body, basically.

As I couldn’t let my right foot touch the ground as it was too weak. And if I‘d put any weight on it while it was still healing, there was a good chance I could fell injured myself. That said, it was quite amusing at first though, having to hop about. Then I got the hang of how far I need the frame in order get from the living room couch to my single bed that was at the opposite end of the living room.
You were walking within 3 months as well? Why kinda?
Because, when I went for the consultancy meeting after saying I wanted the surgery done, and I had everything explained to me as far what the surgery entailed. I was expected to be off my feet for a full 6 months at the most. And when I had my operation done, 6 months was still the estimated amount of months I’d be off my feet. So, me being able to get up n’ about within 3 months came as a bit of a surprise to the surgeon who did my operation. Considering I had multiple operations done on my legs at once. I guess she thought, because I’m quite a big lad, I’d need longer heal up and get back on my feet.
Why can't she boss you around as much, because you proved to her that you're independent?
Pretty much. And I’ve proved I’m not as incapable to doing things myself, despite having a disability.
Why does she need you more?
Because she’s getting older. And I’m the only one that’s been there for her, I don’t treat her as badly as my 2 older sisters do. I don’t berate her for not being able to do something, like I’ll get annoyed about it, sure. Even swear about it outta frustration, especially if she just making excuses so as to get outta helping me. But I don’t argue about it, my older sister (the youngest of the two) is particular known for doing that a lot. And she refuses to shut up about it, like she go on for a good 15 minutes up to half an hour at times. It’s irritating to listen to... and know you can’t get involved because that would just cause another argument.
Thank you Graeme, I'm glad you understand.
No problem, Marc.