Well-known member
I went out tonight for the first time in a long time, granted it was only for a couple hours but it was good. I'd missed that feeling.
Disheartened, like everything I've been told in the past about relationships is basically a lie.
Even from a young age, males are told what women want, silly me believed it - "What women want is someone who is understanding of their emotional needs, someone who is compassionate, their best friend, supportive, a good listener etc etc..."
What I'm coming to realize is it's just not that way at all.
Disheartened, like everything I've been told in the past about relationships is basically a lie.
Even from a young age, males are told what women want, silly me believed it - "What women want is someone who is understanding of their emotional needs, someone who is compassionate, their best friend, supportive, a good listener etc etc..."
What I'm coming to realize is it's just not that way at all.
Got told about my relative’s cancer surgery today, a dates been set, they’re getting it done this week. So, I’m hopeful all goes well. Been waiting a few months to hear that news...
Not much else has been happening. Aside from having a good laugh when my nieces came upstairs to my room to see me then refused to go back downstairs when asked to by their mother and granny. And I managed to make both of them laugh whilst I was trimming my beard. Still waiting for it to dawn on their mother that they like their auntie and uncle more than they do her. Quite surprised there’s not been a massive, shouty, swearing row over it, yet. If she already realised this, she has asked me why it is my nieces spending time yapping to me, with the oldest doing most o’ the talking. Though, I probably couldn’t bring myself to just shrug it off n’ say: “Ah don’t know...”![]()
Got told about my relative’s cancer surgery today, a dates been set, they’re getting it done this week. So, I’m hopeful all goes well. Been waiting a few months to hear that news...
Not much else has been happening. Aside from having a good laugh when my nieces came upstairs to my room to see me then refused to go back downstairs when asked to by their mother and granny. And I managed to make both of them laugh whilst I was trimming my beard. Still waiting for it to dawn on their mother that they like their auntie and uncle more than they do her. Quite surprised there’s not been a massive, shouty, swearing row over it, yet. If she already realised this, she has asked me why it is my nieces spending time yapping to me, with the oldest doing most o’ the talking. Though, I probably couldn’t bring myself to just shrug it off n’ say: “Ah don’t know...”![]()
Thanks BlueWell hell! Those things you listed, are certainly what I look for in a partner!
Sounds like you are just extremely unfortunate to have met mostly mixed up, mean, selfish, superficial, nasty, attention addicted, hollow-headed girls, Pug.
Don't despair though, we are not all like that!
Granted, there are a heck of a lot of girls around today, that are just blindly swallowing every bit of ridiculous, self-defeating bit of brainwashing, that the corporate media can throw at them.
I am female and even I am stunned by the level of gullibility many females possess these days.
Sorry to hear you aren't having much like in the dating game atm, Pug. Don't give up!![]()
Well hell! Those things you listed, are certainly what I look for in a partner!
Sounds like you are just extremely unfortunate to have met mostly mixed up, mean, selfish, superficial, nasty, attention addicted, hollow-headed girls, Pug.
Don't despair though, we are not all like that!
Granted, there are a heck of a lot of girls around today, that are just blindly swallowing every bit of ridiculous, self-defeating bit of brainwashing, that the corporate media can throw at them.
I am female and even I am stunned by the level of gullibility many females possess these days.
Sorry to hear you aren't having much like in the dating game atm, Pug. Don't give up!![]()
As they say animals and young children can sense things in people, that adults are too busy to sense.
It seems your nieces could sense that you have a warm heart and are pleasant to be around, Graeme!
You should take your nieces desire to hang out with you, as a compliment to your personality.![]()
Good luck Graeme, I know you've been worried about your relative's health.
I'm also happy to hear that your nieces enjoy your company so much, at least somebody else in your family is sane.![]()
As they say animals and young children can sense things in people, that adults are too busy to sense.
It seems your nieces could sense that you have a warm heart and are pleasant to be around, Graeme!![]()
I’ve really pissed off lately, to the point where I don’t know if ah even want to write my own music anymore.
Ah genuinely want to just pack up n’ get tha f…k away from where I grew up and have lived my whole life, but that’s easier said than done. Far easily if you can afford to do it, financially.
Just found out, today, from my oldest sister that our middle sibling and her treatment of our mother is the main reason why one of our cousins no longer feels she can come and visit.That explains why she only does the off visit, here n’ there, and doesn’t stay long. It’s because our cousin feels a massive row would just kick off if she spoke up, and said not to speak to our mother the way our middle sibling does and gets away with.
And, after my experience yesterday, with my nieces, my oldest sister and I wondered if our sister (the middle child) was jealousy of the fact that her kids like us more than her. Because that must hurt as a parent ?
Though, we also agreed things can’t keep on going the way they’ve been for the last 2 years. I brought up the idea of us all sitting in the living room, and discussing things. But, knowing how well the women in my family take criticism when the words are comin’ oot my gob, ah doubt that would have the desired affected of changing things for the better.![]()
Your mom and sisters are just conflict-driven ball busters, Graeme. I don't think they even want peace.
You can't fix them, especially while dealing with your own problems... and you shouldn't have to. If you try to sit down with them they'll just start shouting and try to twist all your arguments around, anyway. They won't let anything upset their rotten little apple-cart.
Just focus on you and try to get out of there when you can. Also, I know it can be disheartening, but if you're able, try to sublimate your resentment into your music, rather than letting it stifle you from creating new songs.
Your mom and sisters are just conflict-driven ball busters, Graeme. I don't think they even want peace.
You can't fix them, especially while dealing with your own problems... and you shouldn't have to. If you try to sit down with them they'll just start shouting and try to twist all your arguments around, anyway. They won't let anything upset their rotten little apple-cart.
Just focus on you and try to get out of there when you can. Also, I know it can be disheartening, but if you're able, try to sublimate your resentment into your music, rather than letting it stifle you from creating new songs.
I have to schedule an appointment for Gus to have his second round of vaccinations this week; the vet's office is full of attractive women and that sort of thing always magnifies my anxiety.
If it makes you feel any better, I had to make a vet appointment today for tomorrow just to get my cat a nail trim. I'm currently recovering from a cold/sinus infection thing so my voice sounds even more weird than usual and I dreaded calling. Had to explain to them that she has a weird non-weight bearing nail (common in polydactyls) in between her toes that constantly curls and this isn't the first time I've had to schedule this. The last time I went, her nail nearly got infected because I didn't watch it. And once again, I haven't been watching it and it's starting to curl. They were super nice about it, even though I feel like a bad pet owner.Sitting here, trying to get up the nerve to make the phone-call for Gus' appointment.
Dammit, this sucks.