How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Always ask yourself Graeme: What would Connery do? :D

I'll keep that in mind. Though, I don't know if I should base every decision I make on that question? :thinking:

Awww, f*ck-shite-bawlicks! Just need to get my monthly plan with SoundCloud sorted oot - see if I can afford the tenner per month fee? Oh, and change my display name on my SoundCloud account. And... start my own music thread on here.

Then the fun begins... Well, not for me, cuz I've got 37 songs and 31 unused drum tracks to sort through before I even start uploading? :eek:
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Fatigued... is that right word? :thinking: Anyway, I'm feeling absolutely knackered all of a sudden; don't think I've had a proper night's sleep in about month. :idontknow: Probably shouldn't have woke up early this morning.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, it was nice getting my dinner while sitting in the living room; me on sat in a chair and my mum sat on the couch. Haven't done that in over a year. :)

And I've started to realises she's actually no as bad as she used to be with me. But then, ah don't, intentional, go outta my way to say hurtful things to her; and feel I have no need to say sorry what I said.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
That's nice to hear so have things changed now?

:thinking: I guess so... I haven't really sat and thought about that. Things have probably changed drastically compared to around this time 2 years ago. I mean, my oldest sister see me differently. Like, last year, she admitted more than once that all my observations about our middle sibling, aside from be funny, were actually correct. All those years where I'd rant about how she behaves at times. And she said this while I was present, not something she used to do cuz she thought she'd be embarrassing me by saying so? :idontknow:

And, just yesterday, my mother admitted that it's wrong how much she depends upon, and "needs" me. Something she refused to acknowledge a couple years ago when I brought up this exact point. She also went on to tell how she feels more at ease talking to, or even arguing with, me. Because I tend to be more level-headed, even when I'm pissed off.

But I see my mother point, as sad as it is. As I'm probably the one of her 3 kids who doesn't get overly emotional and shout and swear at her, directly. Or go on and on for half an hour straight about the same point, not leaving it be, and constantly asking "Why?!" when my mother has either said sorry or tried to answer that question.

Though, I have told her to eff off - even called her the dreaded "c-word as well - in the past. And her comeback was always: "So are you, ya f_ _kin' C*%#!! See, ah cun swear as well" But most of the time that was my temper getting the better of me because my mother refused to take my argument seriously. Laughing at me when I'd go on about how much food she'd buy that ended up going to waste. :eek:mg:

And, at least my mum and I can both have a good laugh about these arguments after the fact. :bigsmile: Something I doubt she can do with either of my sisters.
Feeling overwhelmed.

Why does life have to be so unbelievably complicated!? :sad:

Stress wears your body and mind out, taking years off your life.

Maybe the people who run our society are making life as stressful as possible, in every aspect of people's daily lives, as a form of population control.
..."Hey, why don't we just decrease this unsustainable 7.6 Billion world population by making everyday life so stressful for the masses, their bodies end up dropping dead earlier?"


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, it’s Monday and I can’t be arsed to get outta bed. :bigsmile:

Other than that, I’m just wishing that ah wus elsewhere right now. Away from my “pretty”, peaceful, but ultimately boring hometown. Away from the endless petty drama of my family. Ah feel like am being torture, guess I am in away, by me sticking around and putting up with it? :question: Ah wish the decision to leave were an easy on, but sadly, it not. Thanks to my mother and older sister being too self-absorbed and manipulative, they don’t even see that the constant arguments take a toll on me anaw. :sad: :thumbdown:
Feeling anxious as ****. I have my driving lesson today - apparently I am getting on the freeway FML. I am about 30 minutes early sitting in a high school parking lot looking like a creep. I don't have a car to hide in and I'm stuck breathing in smoke because where I live looks like Silent Hill.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Feeling anxious as ****. I have my driving lesson today - apparently I am getting on the freeway FML. I am about 30 minutes early sitting in a high school parking lot looking like a creep. I don't have a car to hide in and I'm stuck breathing in smoke because where I live looks like Silent Hill.

I love silent hill...


Lol.. good luck with your lesson, you will be fine :)
I love silent hill...


Lol.. good luck with your lesson, you will be fine :)

Thanks, Pug. You wouldn't like it if you lived here! The air quality is terrible. There's approximately 180 fires going on around where I live.

My lesson went well, actually. My instructor told me I am 5-10 hours of driving practice away from being able to take the test. I thought I was more like SpongeBob in boating school lol.


Well-known member
Thanks, Pug. You wouldn't like it if you lived here! The air quality is terrible. There's approximately 180 fires going on around where I live.

My lesson went well, actually. My instructor told me I am 5-10 hours of driving practice away from being able to take the test. I thought I was more like SpongeBob in boating school lol.

Sarah: Instructor, i'm ready for my next lesson!! o/


You'll see how everything goes great Sarah! you'll have your driver's license in no time.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Woke up with my legs in agony; it hurts just simply standing up. :sad: Other than that, I'm just desperately trying to distract myself from what's been happening lately with my family. Don't really want to deal with them right now. Starting to think no contact might be the best option for me? Like, just stop acknowledging them and speaking to them.
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