Sorry I've been away for so long. Oh, why does she want you to tolerate her yelling and screaming at the time? Why at the time did you want to end your life? What do you mean by schizo? Wow that's fake no offense.
Why? Because my older sister is very immature and can't handle ever being wrong. And she thinks yelling and shouting means her point of view is more valid cuz she's upset. Why did I feel like taking my own life? Well, when you've been silently put up with her family forever arguing about things that don't justify such an overreact and you try to be the voice of reason in that situation, would you not feel like killing yerself? Especially if those were the kind of people you were around all the time.
And the schizo remark... I just meant that the women in my immediate family seems to have a schizophrenic attitude when it comes to me. Either they're grateful for everything I do for them, or I'm a selfish, inconsiderate b@$%@rd cuz I refused to do something for them or agree with their opinions. Please don't ask why that is, I don't have an answer for you regarding that.
That's good you and your mom had that conversation and she is concerned about you.
Aye, it is. But part of me feels that her concern for me is 15 years to late. I mean I'm glad she finally not dismissive of my perspective outright, but had she actually listened to me all those years ago instead of living in denial, things might not be how they are now with my older sister still throwing tantrums when she doesn't get her way.
What is a 3rd wave radical feminists?
Oh, the radical 3rd wave feminist is normally stereotyped as a woman who hates men, believe she is better than them, and thus doesn't need a man in her life. A view I frequently heard from my mother during my formative years. And something I still resent her for due to the contradictory message of
"All men are useless, except you son" :idontknow:
Yea you have to choose wisely who you have children with.
And be sure ya want children. No point having them if you don't have the maturity or coping skills to raise them.
Why do you feel inferior to everyone you met and know?
Mainly because I'm not like them. Don't feel as intelligent. And feel like an outsider a lot of the times due to my disability.
Oh. So he was around but they weren't good memories
Pretty much. There wasn't really that connection or desire to get to know each other.
Maybe tell them to not project their feeling on to you. Sorry if this sounds obvious.
Obvious. But easier said than done when the response I get is a childish:
"You're always picking on me!" :crying:
Oh. Do you want to know your siblings on your dad's side more or no?
Not really. I doubt we would have much in common, having been raised very differently. My siblings on my dad's side of the family had a more middle class and posh upbring compared me, whereas I grew up on a rough council estate.