I hate everything.
What did everything do to you?
I feel like 30 pounds of shit in a 10 pound bag.
I feel like a crap. Depressed. I don't deserve friends, or love. I'm the ugliest thing. I want to leave this shitty life.
Feeling indescribable atm
Feeling indescribable atm
Naggingly anxious and depressed. I wish I could take my brain out, tinker with it a bit, put it back and feel better. My stomach has felt achey all day.
Anyone know any temporary anxiety relief techniques besides deep breathing (which I never find effective) or working out? Any herbal tea or something that actually WORKS?
Headphones, shut door and some white noise/rain/ocean sound type of thing off youtube
Headphones, shut door and some white noise/rain/ocean sound type of thing off youtube