Hie yer hence from me heath!
Unamused that someone still talks about me though I no longer think of them. It feels weird, esp stumbling on people saying things about me. Uncomfortable.
I feel mostly sad at the moment. It seems that too much has happened in a short amount of time and I'm having a hard time adjusting to the change. I feel alone and while seeking someone to talk to, it seems like everyone isn't there. Well, no one I really want to talk to at the mo. while others are likely sleep like normal people.
I'm disappointed that I tried to get close to someone who just...keeps showing over and over that they are not the person I thought or wanted them to be. I'm so desperate to be close to someone that...this person comes off as someone harmless and as if a bond can form. BUT...but...they're not. And a lot of times... I just want to say **** it but my mom and other family will not let me be mean about it anymore...
I'm also restless. Maybe a close friend or family member to chat with isn't the answer and good quality time alone to process is more necessary for my current issues???
Sorry yer goin' through a difficult time the now, nicole. Feelin' down n' alone. Aye, it's no great overhearin' folk talkin' about ye.
Mibbe it'd be best tae huv some time alone tae reflect for a wee while, before talkin' about yer current issues. And it might be best tae talk to someone who ye feel comfortable around, or somebody who'll listen to you, at least. Ah know ye want tae be close tae someone, but ye cannae force or rush somethin' like that... just sayin'.
Hope that's o' some help? If no, then feel better soon, darlin'. :thumbup: