How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I feel nervous and scared. I hope I don't get bashed. Crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. Holding my breath at the same time.
I feel nervous and scared. I hope I don't get bashed. Crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. Holding my breath at the same time.

Bashed by who jaim? :sad:
Is there anyone you can ring to come and help you with whatever situation you are in?


Well-known member
It is very tempting to give in to these feelings, I think we welcome the perceived relief of eternal sleep as a fix all to our daily struggles of life. I know I would be quite happy to rest eternally.

I think I'm too chicken to really do anything. Another reason is, if there is a hell I don't want to go there. Also, if it wasn't for my daughter, I'm sure I would not be here right now.


Well-known member
I think I'm too chicken to really do anything. Another reason is, if there is a hell I don't want to go there. Also, if it wasn't for my daughter, I'm sure I would not be here right now.

Children are a solid anchor to keep you grounded on planet earth.
I am feeling like I'll never be the person I want to be. And not for lack of trying. Although to be honest I haven't actually had intensive therapy or stuck with any self-help for a long period of time, so maybe if I do a social anxiety self-help course for at least a year I'll see some improvement (I began one recently, actually).

Today I just feel bitter, defeated, and really bad about myself. I'm not suicidal but the feeling of just wanting everything to just cease - this whole miserable anxiety-ridden existence - keeps coming up in my mind. I REALLY REALLY hate my life right now, and being grateful for what I have isn't going to make things better. I believe happiness is relative, and compared to most people my age, I hardly have a life at all, I don't think...

Is there something to look forward to, to be happy about? To WANT to get up in the morning for? I don't see much.
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I am feeling like I'll never be the person I want to be. And not for lack of trying. Although to be honest I haven't actually had intensive therapy or stuck with any self-help for a long period of time, so maybe if I do a social anxiety self-help course for at least a year I'll see some improvement (I began one recently, actually).

Today I just feel bitter, defeated, and really bad about myself. I'm not suicidal but the feeling of just wanting everything to just cease - this whole miserable anxiety-ridden existence - keeps coming up in my mind. I REALLY REALLY hate my life right now, and being grateful for what I have isn't going to make things better. I believe happiness is relative, and compared to most people my age, I hardly have a life at all, I don't think...

Sorry to read you are feeling such despair right now Opal :sad:
Has something bad happened to tip you over the edge? How is your new job going?


Well-known member
I am feeling like I'll never be the person I want to be. And not for lack of trying. Although to be honest I haven't actually had intensive therapy or stuck with any self-help for a long period of time, so maybe if I do a social anxiety self-help course for at least a year I'll see some improvement (I began one recently, actually).

Today I just feel bitter, defeated, and really bad about myself. I'm not suicidal but the feeling of just wanting everything to just cease - this whole miserable anxiety-ridden existence - keeps coming up in my mind. I REALLY REALLY hate my life right now, and being grateful for what I have isn't going to make things better. I believe happiness is relative, and compared to most people my age, I hardly have a life at all, I don't think...

Is there something to look forward to, to be happy about? To WANT to get up in the morning for? I don't see much.

I feel the same, Opaline. *hug*


Well-known member
Bashed by who jaim? :sad:
Is there anyone you can ring to come and help you with whatever situation you are in?

I sent a lot of messages to my professor. I hope I don't annoy her to the point where she won't take me seriously. I got a 0 on an assignment and it was all because she couldn't see my submission for some weird reason. I see my submission just fine on 2 different computers. I also contacted tech support who emailed my professor. Hopefully, she changes my grade soon.