How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Awful... one minute I'm happy, the next I'm depressed as f**k! :sad: It's like I'm bipolar or somethin' (Am not, by the way)

Got a lot on ma mind, lately, I guess it's gettin' tae me. Frustrating tae say the least.


Well-known member
Tired... I had a terrible time trying to get to sleep last night... Every time I was close to drifting off my chest (near the collar bone, not lower) and arms suddenly felt tight and heavy and I felt the need to gasp for breath and move into anther position. I checked my pulse multiple times and there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it, other than it pounding each time I suddenly gasped and got scared. This happens from time to time and I have no idea why. I put it down to anxiety, or perhaps overly tired muscles in my arms and chest, but at the time I'm always scared that I'm dying...
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Well-known member
^^ Ugh, me too! I've not slept well the past two nights due to coughing and having major anxiety about my doctor's appt which was this morning. I hadn't been to see her in almost two years! Plus, I stopped taking my BP meds and Paxil so I was afraid of what she'd say about that. I'm ok not taking the Paxil but my BP was too high, possibly due to all the cough medicine I've been guzzling. :eek: I did get a reprieve for losing weight though! :) So, back on one med and got an inhaler for this damn cough. Time to get on the wagon again!
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Well-known member
Feverish and distracted. So much stuff to get done from slacking. Plus its Saturday, I need to keep busy. Hoping it's a good day and that I can be happy.


Well-known member
Very disappointed. Just got off the phone with someone who can speak better than me. I was a nervous wreck throughout the phone call. I stumbled over my words, gave awkward pauses, spoke in incoherent sentences, etc. I can tell I threw him off more than once. I don't know if it's my imagination or not, but I heard him chuckling a bit on the other end.

Not trying to offend anybody here, but for some reason, I feel more confident speaking to people who don't have good verbal skills, people like me. But when someone comes along with better verbal skills and a brighter personality, I feel like a loser. Throughout this entire phone call, I feel like I wanted to hide. It was so awkward.

Edit: Feeling kind of drained right now. I don't think I can handle another phone call. Need time to recharge.
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Well-known member
The joys of dry and combo skin. I've since fixed it, though, thank God for moisturizer.

Yeah, one of these days I'm days gonna have to ask my doctor about this. I've been using proactiv for a while and it's not all it's cracked up to be. I've probably got a mix of acne and eczema. My pores are clogged but my skin is dry.:sad:


Well-known member
Yeah, one of these days I'm days gonna have to ask my doctor about this. I've been using proactiv for a while and it's not all it's cracked up to be. I've probably got a mix of acne and eczema. My pores are clogged but my skin is dry.:sad:

Ah, yeah, I used to use Proactiv for my nasty acne when I was a teen. Then I got on BC and haven't had much of a problem with it since. These days it's more about the weather. When it's cold out, I get a flaky nose for a while after cleansing. When it's hot out, my pores are like oil waterfalls (which naturally leads to more acne).


Well-known member
Ah, yeah, I used to use Proactiv for my nasty acne when I was a teen. Then I got on BC and haven't had much of a problem with it since. These days it's more about the weather. When it's cold out, I get a flaky nose for a while after cleansing. When it's hot out, my pores are like oil waterfalls (which naturally leads to more acne).

Exactly! In the summer, I go through a lot of oil blotter sheets. In the winter, my skin just peels. I even have to put Vaseline on my eyelids because they flake. Often I'll cleanse, and before I even get to the toner, my face just looks all red and flaky. Maybe it's making my skin worse, but if I don't use it, I'll break out in more acne. As for the rest of my body, I find the Proactiv lotion helps the acne, especially after shaving, but it doesn't moisturize enough. An oatmeal-based lotion is better for itchy, flaky skin, but it won't take care of the pimples. My hands have always gotten horribly chapped. I've discovered that Aveeno Intense Relief and Vaseline Creamy help. At least they don't crack and bleed anymore. They still get pretty dry though. I have a small room-sized humidifier, but I haven't tried it out yet. I hope that helps.


Well-known member
Exactly! In the summer, I go through a lot of oil blotter sheets. In the winter, my skin just peels. I even have to put Vaseline on my eyelids because they flake. Often I'll cleanse, and before I even get to the toner, my face just looks all red and flaky. Maybe it's making my skin worse, but if I don't use it, I'll break out in more acne. As for the rest of my body, I find the Proactiv lotion helps the acne, especially after shaving, but it doesn't moisturize enough. An oatmeal-based lotion is better for itchy, flaky skin, but it won't take care of the pimples. My hands have always gotten horribly chapped. I've discovered that Aveeno Intense Relief and Vaseline Creamy help. At least they don't crack and bleed anymore. They still get pretty dry though. I have a small room-sized humidifier, but I haven't tried it out yet. I hope that helps.

Proactiv does have benzoyl peroxide in it, which dries out skin. I heard they ended up releasing a product with a different ingredient that doesn't dry out, though.

That Aveeno lotion works pretty good. So does Avon Wintersoft hand cream.


Well-known member
Utterly fed-up with people... Sick to death of them, to be honest... The past few days I've been feeling generally negative and the more I think about people, them more I dislike them... It almost wants me want to be like "Friend"/ "Tomodatchi" in '20th Century Boys", he knew about the feelings... He understood... "I am Collins..." 'Til my compassion gets in the way...


Well-known member
Proactiv does have benzoyl peroxide in it, which dries out skin. I heard they ended up releasing a product with a different ingredient that doesn't dry out, though.

That Aveeno lotion works pretty good. So does Avon Wintersoft hand cream.

I like the green tea moisturizer because it soaks in quick and isn't greasy, but in the winter it just isn't enough. I might have to use it three times a day. Only the facial products have benzoyl peroxide. The body wash and lotion have salicylic acid because benoyl peroxide can bleach clothing. (I've kinda ruined some towels, even after rinsing my face pretty well.)

I used to use Avon oatmeal hand cream but it's not as good as Aveeno. I tried some sort of Avon winter liquid soap once and it was terrible. It just felt like it didn't rinse off so I ended up washing my hands longer, which causes worse chapping. I'm kind of a compulsive hand washer which doesn't help my situation. Sometimes I even put Vaseline on the backs of my hands before showering because they can't take the abuse of the water for that long.


Well-known member
I'm a little bored today. It's been raining outside and there's not too much to do. An idle mind makes me upset, so I should get off the computer and go do something.

I also miss my lady friend in Melbourne. ::(:
I am frustrated. Just frustrated. I have cabin fever but I live in a city and I wish that wasn't so. I want to walk in the grass and trees, with other people, I want to be busy and get more exercise. Being stuck in this house is really really bad for the mind, my emotions are all out of whack :(

I've tried to get out more in this town, but people here are so unfriendly and the environment SUCKS. Yes I have to get out and meet people and I can't blame it all on them - I know that. But they're still quite unfriendly. I mean no one even smiles when they're walking by you on the sidewalk anymore. If I had the courage I'd do it anyway, even if I got weird/cold looks.

Oh well, it'll pass. I just wish I would hurry up and feel better. Ugh.
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