I just found out that my uncle died today, at the hospital, the day before Christmas day. He ate so much fat and oily food that one of his arteries ruptured. I feel sad but not majorly depressed. I just wish I had a chance to see him before he passed - it's been 13 years already. I had good memories of him. RIP uncle.
^ I'm really sorry to hear about your loss.

It's always sad to lose someone, but when it happens so close to the holidays like this it tends to hit even harder. :sad:
*sends LOTS of holiday cheer to everyone feeling so sad*
The party didn't go so bad afterall tonight. I kind of feel bad for having such a sour mood before I left because they really actually treated me with respect tonight for the most part. Of course some teasing was done, but it was severely mild compared to what I normally put up with.
On another note, I really don't understand what's with the recent amount of questions and compliments lately coming from family. About a month ago when I saw my dad's family, I got a crap ton of surprising compliments that had me riding a bit of a confidence wave for a few weeks. (it's gone now) They asked about me having a boyfriend obviously and telling them no seemed to surprise them. Tonight I see my mom's family and they asked the same thing. Rather than teasing me about it, they acted all shocked. Growing up throughout all my teens, I got none of that. I was teased for how I looked, how I acted, no one was surprised or shocked by my not having a boyfriend or not dating. So why now? Why the difference? I don't see a difference, I just don't get it. :question::idontknow:
Eh, tonight's not exactly the night to be thinking about that sort of thing anyway. I'll just put it to the back of my mind. It is Christmas after all, and we're getting lots of snow! I hope everyone has/is having a wonderful holiday!