How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Wtf?! In Facebook groups now (not just messages) it TELLS you when people viewed the wall-posts?? Can I not have some privacy please?!?! Maybe I don't want people to know I've been online? Not in this particular situation anyway. Urgh.
Wtf?! In Facebook groups now (not just messages) it TELLS you when people viewed the wall-posts?? Can I not have some privacy please?!?! Maybe I don't want people to know I've been online? Not in this particular situation anyway. Urgh.

You have GOT to be kidding me :eek:

Wow. I'm used to Facebook's changes, and the "seen at" feature for messages was bad enough. But wall posts? I have a feeling that will do more harm than good. Why does someone else need to know when you looked at your wall?

I'm glad I left the site.

Edit: Oh wait, it's only for groups? Weird. Well, still bad.


Well-known member
Depressed is my birthday today I live with my dad who is disabled, my main carers when I was small was my mums two sisters but I have always felt sort of let down by them like they don't really care much about me, they probably have no idea it is even my birthday the last time they contacted me was not last weekend but the weekend before. I feel like a baby for writing this but I wish they would care more about me. Like it would have been nice for them to at least acknowlegde my existence they could have at least sent me a card or something I dunno. Also I was supposed to go out but cancelled at the last second I just can't even face being around people tonight it is too stressful.


Well-known member
@ Beatrice,
If they ever do it for general wall-posts, I'd definitely delete my profile.

The group-thing is just weird, on the posts it will say, "viewed by 4 people" or something, and list all their names, and what time they went on the page.

FB continues to go downhill.

Can nobody just be private anymore? Even though I have most stuff hidden from people who aren't my friends, I still get dragged into groups I don't want to be in which includes a person who I'm doing my very best to avoid (a lady I mentioned on here before who scares the bejezers out of me but has mutual friends).



Well-known member
Depressed is my birthday today I live with my dad who is disabled, my main carers when I was small was my mums two sisters but I have always felt sort of let down by them like they don't really care much about me, they probably have no idea it is even my birthday the last time they contacted me was not last weekend but the weekend before. I feel like a baby for writing this but I wish they would care more about me. Like it would have been nice for them to at least acknowlegde my existence they could have at least sent me a card or something I dunno. Also I was supposed to go out but cancelled at the last second I just can't even face being around people tonight it is too stressful.

::(: I'm sorry this is proving to be a not-so happy birthday for you. But I wish you all the best anyway - and hope you enjoy the remaining hour and three-quarters of it.

Happy birthday :)


Well-known member
Can nobody just be private anymore?...

yeah, how do they expect people to goof off at work and surf Facebook if they display what you're doing for everyone to see? they'll cut their own throat if they keep making everything public

pretty soon, everyone will have an alternate online persona in order to keep their online life separate from their offline life

reminds me of the movie, Surrogates


Well-known member
rubbish. not sure if its all the time infront of the computer, the disrupted sleeping patterns or that I missed my medication.
looking forward to bed.


Well-known member
I'm feeling pretty down right now, and exhausted. I've had too much socialization the last two days. Well, I guess not so much socialization as just being around so many people. I'm tired of people. (that does not include you guys here) I need some alone time.
Too much socialising can be detrimental, so definitely enjoy your alone time.

Wtf?! In Facebook groups now (not just messages) it TELLS you when people viewed the wall-posts?? Can I not have some privacy please?!?! Maybe I don't want people to know I've been online? Not in this particular situation anyway. Urgh.
Yeah, I don't like this, either, but it's something I have to deal with if I want to stay on Facebook, which I do.

Depressed is my birthday today I live with my dad who is disabled, my main carers when I was small was my mums two sisters but I have always felt sort of let down by them like they don't really care much about me, they probably have no idea it is even my birthday the last time they contacted me was not last weekend but the weekend before. I feel like a baby for writing this but I wish they would care more about me. Like it would have been nice for them to at least acknowlegde my existence they could have at least sent me a card or something I dunno. Also I was supposed to go out but cancelled at the last second I just can't even face being around people tonight it is too stressful.
I'm sorry. ::(: I hope you enjoy your birthday anyway.


Well-known member
Depressed is my birthday today I live with my dad who is disabled, my main carers when I was small was my mums two sisters but I have always felt sort of let down by them like they don't really care much about me, they probably have no idea it is even my birthday the last time they contacted me was not last weekend but the weekend before. I feel like a baby for writing this but I wish they would care more about me. Like it would have been nice for them to at least acknowlegde my existence they could have at least sent me a card or something I dunno. Also I was supposed to go out but cancelled at the last second I just can't even face being around people tonight it is too stressful.

I know you're not feeling it but happy birthday.



Well-known member
Depressed is my birthday today I live with my dad who is disabled, my main carers when I was small was my mums two sisters but I have always felt sort of let down by them like they don't really care much about me, they probably have no idea it is even my birthday the last time they contacted me was not last weekend but the weekend before. I feel like a baby for writing this but I wish they would care more about me. Like it would have been nice for them to at least acknowlegde my existence they could have at least sent me a card or something I dunno. Also I was supposed to go out but cancelled at the last second I just can't even face being around people tonight it is too stressful.
^ Aw, I'm sorry you're feeling this way on your birthday. :( I hope you're still able to enjoy it though. Even if you can't for the rest of today/tonight, treat yourself tomorrow to a belated birthday gift, outing, something. You deserve it.


Well-known member
Hmm, I'm feeling a little bit empty. Maybe depression is starting to set in? I don't like it. I think I'll go for a walk and do some errands while the weather is nice. Get out of the house for a little bit and try to shake it.
I feel kind of sad. Like I've been duped by society. I don't know.

It will probably wear off.

I just don't know what to believe in anymore. Not myself, not religion, not the universe or science or society. And yet I don't want to be a bitter pessimist, which is the road I'm headed down.

What am I supposed to do, what am I supposed to be? I thought there were no rules, you could make up your own life. But I think that is untrue. You can live by your own rules but often I find people are just rationalizing their own unhappiness. Because there ARE rules when it comes to life. There are social rules, there are sex rules, financial rules. You can point out that it varies by culture and so therefore there aren't any objective rules, but you can look at the overall happiness and state of a country and see whose rules are working and whose aren't, to find the ones worth adopting. And remember none will ever be perfect.

I think my country is VERY wrong, and we are spreading our wrongness to the rest of the world.


Well-known member
@invisibleman, that is just unacceptable. you should call and complain to her superior. maybe they are hiring because they are letting her go soon? who knows. but it definitely merits a complaint.


Well-known member
@invisibleman, that is just unacceptable. you should call and complain to her superior. maybe they are hiring because they are letting her go soon? who knows. but it definitely merits a complaint.

Actually shes the manager..shes the one doing the hiring::p: But with that display im quite cynical that il get hired:(
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