How are you feeling?


Well-known member
feeling quite anxious just joined social phobia world after finding out the symptoms of having social phobia it makes sense now i would feel tense before going out even with close friends and job interviews a nightmare trying to look for a job at the moment but worried about interviews no one else knows that i have this condition but i feel that i may have to tell someone soon but dont know how

Hi, and welcome to the forum!


not actually Fiona Apple
Called about a job in the paper, and they set up an interview for an hour later. When will I have time to freak about it :eek: Or more worriesome when will I have time to make sure I do not forget anything, and think of what I need to say during the interview. Because then I say the wrong thing. It's okokok though I have an interview period that's what is important :D

feeling quite anxious just joined social phobia world after finding out the symptoms of having social phobia it makes sense now i would feel tense before going out even with close friends and job interviews a nightmare trying to look for a job at the moment but worried about interviews no one else knows that i have this condition but i feel that i may have to tell someone soon but dont know how

Hello josh, Red Sox, Dodgers, or marlins fan? ::p:


Well-known member
Sorry you're going through this, no he shouldn't have reacted that way. I hope you can keep peace with your brother.

Yeah, I don't know what his problem was really. But thank you.

MikeyC; I think he is just use to having it his way and normally he understanding with me though. I mean we fight like brother and sister but he can be somewhat compassionate. But, I did pay him back mostly what I owed him & offer to take care of the vet bill. Oh well, healthy dog is all I care about I just didnt like their reactions. My dad told me not to worry about it though and I don't have to give him the rest. :) But I will anway. I just liked knowing at least someone took myside.


I'm off to my therapists now. I usually look forward to going but Idk, nothing really have changed but gotten worse (knock on wood) lol. idk.
Ah... I was either supposed to hear back about my job interview before 5pm or around 5pm. Either way, it's twenty 'til 6 and I'm afraid I've missed out one another job. :( But I'm going to try and stay positive this time. I still have the book store when Christmas rolls around and I need to get back into exercising to boost my self esteem. It's going to happen soon. I know it. I just wish I knew when.

Good luck with the therapist, @shakethelight! I see mine tomorrow.
Ah... I was either supposed to hear back about my job interview before 5pm or around 5pm. Either way, it's twenty 'til 6 and I'm afraid I've missed out one another job. :( But I'm going to try and stay positive this time. I still have the book store when Christmas rolls around and I need to get back into exercising to boost my self esteem. It's going to happen soon. I know it. I just wish I knew when.

^Sorry this one didn't work out for you Super. Great idea of yours to stay positive! :)

I am having a brain-overload atm. Too much thinking. Am I right, am I wrong. Am I right to be questioning so much. Am I just being too sensitive.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Yeah, I don't know what his problem was really. But thank you.

MikeyC; I think he is just use to having it his way and normally he understanding with me though. I mean we fight like brother and sister but he can be somewhat compassionate. But, I did pay him back mostly what I owed him & offer to take care of the vet bill. Oh well, healthy dog is all I care about I just didnt like their reactions. My dad told me not to worry about it though and I don't have to give him the rest. :) But I will anway. I just liked knowing at least someone took myside.
At least it's all working out to some extent now. I mean, the healthy dog should be the main part. When my old cat needed X-rays, that cost $400, and I just paid that out of my own account, because it needed to be done and there was no choice. But I digress. Good to know your dad took your side. :)

I'm off to my therapists now. I usually look forward to going but Idk, nothing really have changed but gotten worse (knock on wood) lol. idk.
Patience. Mine took 7 months before I could even open up properly.

Ah... I was either supposed to hear back about my job interview before 5pm or around 5pm. Either way, it's twenty 'til 6 and I'm afraid I've missed out one another job. :( But I'm going to try and stay positive this time. I still have the book store when Christmas rolls around and I need to get back into exercising to boost my self esteem. It's going to happen soon. I know it. I just wish I knew when.
Your positive attitude towards all this is inspiring. Keep it up! :D


Well-known member
I think there is some higher power in the universe just waiting for me to smile so he can drop some crap on me. Or maybe it was just a bird? Anyway, lately I feel like I've been running around in circles, feeling really good somedays and depressed on others. I purchased this book called Overcoming Social Anxiety & Shyness: A self-help guide using CBT. Haven't started reading it yet though. I should do the therapist thing but I hate the idea of someone polking around in my head.


Active member
I feel really tired and worn out due to a series of events that started in the summer resulting in not much rest. It's been rather draining lately, so all I feel like doing is sleeping. Granted, I don't feel THAT bad, but just enough that I don't feel well.

On another note, classes aren't so bad....a lot of reading, which I've been intending to do anyway, plus Jonathan Safran Foer is going to be doing a reading at my school in a few weeks, so here's to hoping I can get to chat with him.


Well-known member
Called about a job in the paper, and they set up an interview for an hour later. When will I have time to freak about it :eek: Or more worriesome when will I have time to make sure I do not forget anything, and think of what I need to say during the interview. Because then I say the wrong thing. It's okokok though I have an interview period that's what is important :D
^ Oh wow, good luck with that interview!

I am helping build a house today via habitat for humanity. Yay for volunteering... :D
^ That's great, Kia! :)


Well-known member
i feel depressed. i am not living a life completely parallel with my values. i value freedom, being self-employed, not being a slave.

but i am a slave. wake up at 7:15 am every day and do the same, hollow, soulless doings until 5:30ish pm (or later, until they give me permission to leave). i am a completely their slave. i am owned. no soul. no joy. no life. i sit in a florescent lit room with no windows and a supervisor who sits across from me and stares. this is someone i've little respect for. yes, she is polite enough to me now... but she acted in horrid ways i cannot forget. she is not someone i enjoy working with, let alone working under. i only stay at this place in hopes of attaining health insurance and the fact i don't have to deal with customer service.

because of my slavery and lack of freedom... i am depressed. i feel ineffective, socially impotent. i used to have these dreams where i was SO ANGRY but when i went to punch the offender with all of my might... my punch went slow-mo and soft. it was like grazing their face gently with a feather. these dreams seem indicative of how i feel in real life.

i am grateful for what i have created... a safe roof over my head, clean running water, a kitchen, etc... i just loathe being a slave for it and wonder is it worth it. i feel i'm worth so much more money, health insurance, etc. i don't know. i just needed to get this off my chest. that's all.
I am helping build a house today via habitat for humanity. Yay for volunteering... :D

That's awesome :)

I actually joined months ago (not sure if you guys know of that in NZ) and joined a volunteer group in my area. I only got to go to one of them because they fill up so fast! It's good that so many people want to help, though.

The one I went to wasn't all that great, though. I got there late and the whole time I felt really anxious and awkward (what's new?), and the people I tried to converse with seemed uninterested (but who knows, could have been my own bias).

I'd like to do some more volunteering, it might be a great way to meet people in addition to helping others. I just don't know, with my anxiety... ::(:


Well-known member
Ahh technology,how you are so kind to me when I want to watch cat videos, BUT YET YOU NEVER F**KING WORK WHEN ITS ACTUALLY F**KING IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!PIECE OF SH*T!:mad:
I am helping build a house today via habitat for humanity. Yay for volunteering... :D

Sounds like fun. I'm not really volunteering in that sense, but a friend of mine needs help getting her new apartment functional, so I'm going to help her with some stuff this week.

It will get me out of the house and doing something productive, so I'm all for it.


Hey thanks everyone for the encouraging words, that is really nice of you all to say - I'm kinda tired now.
That's awesome :)

I actually joined months ago (not sure if you guys know of that in NZ) and joined a volunteer group in my area. I only got to go to one of them because they fill up so fast! It's good that so many people want to help, though.

The one I went to wasn't all that great, though. I got there late and the whole time I felt really anxious and awkward (what's new?), and the people I tried to converse with seemed uninterested (but who knows, could have been my own bias).

I'd like to do some more volunteering, it might be a great way to meet people in addition to helping others. I just don't know, with my anxiety... ::(:

Yeah - I know of meet up - it's a great site, lots of cool stuff going on. Naturally in NZ since we are smaller there aren't as many groups, but it's a good place to find people who you can identify with.
I totally hear where you are coming from about the nervousness and anxiety about it all though. Social awkwardness and having people be uninterested in speaking to me is a familiar feeling too.
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