I went back to my old therapist.
We talked about what happened with the last one I saw, how the experience was. She lol'd at the things that therapist said to me because it was ridiculous. Honestly, I feel stupid for looking for a different psychologist when I have known this one for over two years, maybe three. Eh... I guess I felt frustrated and took the wrong decision. Fail.
Anyway, I was told that my last diagnosis was most likely wrong. She explained why, we discussed it for a while, and then she said that my major problems right now are agoraphobia and depression. I have SA, but it seems to be a mild degree now. It makes sense because I feel it has gotten better. I don't have as much trouble around people as I used to a couple of years ago. There's something else that keeps me from having a life and it's not a fear of people... We are trying to find out what it is exactly.
Today I've been re-reading old posts I've made when I first joined this forum. I can't believe how f*cked up I was back then. I can't believe I survived it. I don't know if it was the medication, the therapy or both, but I noticed a big improvement.
I still have to find a way to recover myself from the constant fatigue, the lack of motivation, the paranoia, the hopelessness, the fear of leaving my comfort zone... But at least there are other things that have improved and I am happy for that.
I could say I feel good today. Now I hope nothing ruins it. Yes, I might have improved a bit, but I am still a pessimistic derp expecting the worse :