I need to vent, I was thinking about how this disorder has taking so much time from me. I am 26 and I haven't accomplished a single thing worth being remembered for. That depresses me because I have such a huge desire to make a difference in this world. I am pretty healthy physically, it's my mind that's sick. I had this friend who had lung cancer at 24, shes in remission now. But she has the most amazing out look on life I think I ever met in a person. She organizes all these charities events in my town. She's been on the radio, the paper, she mentors this little girl. I find myself envious of her life. She had cancer and what? I am scared of people. I can't help but think how lame and pathetic that sounds but I know how real my fear is. I am just tired of people thinking I lack motivation when all I want is to live my life and be the person I was meant too be. I have a feeling I will be fight the rest of my living days just too keep my ahead afloat. I just feel like I am being punshied for something I did in a previous life.