Clint Eastwood?Just sitting here rocking back and forth in the dark...
Polishing my shotgun...
Hmm have you looked into a ketogenic diet? It's a really popular diet for seizure control. Just from wikipedia "The ketogenic diet reduces seizure frequency by more than 50% in half of the patients who try it and by more than 90% in a third of patients.[4] Three-quarters of those who respond do so within two weeks, " it might be worth looking into as a preventative measure that maaybe may not require you to be on medication. It was originally popularized for children with seizures but is now being proven to be equally as effective in adults. An idea to throw out *Woosh, throws idea*
I'm sorry, you're definitely worth getting to know.Like I'm not even worth getting to know... ::
Like I'm a total f*** up and a failure.
Sorry. Depression sucks. ::
I'm sorry, you're definitely worth getting to know.
Are you depressed or angry or both? Ive been angry for quite a while... But never really depressed
Huh? She's getting paid MORE to STAY???
aww damn man im sorry to hear about that... i remember reading about your dad in a few posts back up but i missed that he passed away..
i wish you the best, Graeme...
That's great.Pretty good
Don't be sorry, we can't be happy all the time. I hope those negative feelings pass soon.Aw, thanks, Srijita. Sorry to be such a downer. :: I'll be okay, though. Those depressive, negative feelings I'm having will pass, eventually.
Sometimes you have to do what's best for yourself, superfluous. You don't need to do anything that lowers your self-esteem. I'm positive you'll find something even better.