I had a pretty interesting day. Ate some strawberries at work and ended up with an anaphylactic reaction to something. (I'm not allergic to strawberries, eat them all the time)
I've had a reaction to something like this before, face swells up, I got welts/rash all over my body, really hard to breath. I told my supervisor I needed to go to ER, I was just going to drive myself, but they convinced me to let them call an ambulance in case I quit breathing/went into shock on the way there. I already could barely swallow.
So, ya, that was pretty embarrassing, had to ride out on a stretcher in front of everyone, lol. I still think I shoulda drove myself, says something about how messed up your fears are with social anxiety. Worried more about being embarrassed than dying of anaphylaxis.
Really sorry to hear that, it must have been really scary for you. I hope you feel better soon! My mom had a similar reaction to kiwi years ago.
Right now, I'm feeling a little up against it as I am battling the most evilest of ecology assignments (die distribution! ) and really haven't got a clue what I'm doing, trying to make sense of these results but hey, I'm going to give a damn good go anyway.