All my anxiety came rushing back the minute I woke up this morning. I had such a good 4 days too with hardly any depression or anxiety. *le sigh* Then again, I've started pondering again telling my friend about my SA. A part of me finally wants to, but the other side of me says she'll never believe it and to might as well wait until I go to therapy so it's sort of like "proof" that I have some issues. Foolish thought, I know. The reason why it's so hard to tell her though is because she's so extremely extroverted. I have a really good feeling she wouldn't understand a bit, but then again she has never questioned my extreme shyness and has never tried pushing me out of my comfort zone too much.
If I do tell her, I'm not even sure if I could do it face to face. Only because if I did, I would probably burst into tears and be such a mess since talking about it brings up a lot of raw feelings I've had hidden for years. Even when I told my guy friend it was over text, not in person, but I still practically bawled while doing it.
Bleh, why am I thinking of all this so early in the morning? I just woke up. -.-