How are you feeling?


Yeah. See, the thing is, I tried tell my sister straight about something, last year, and she went in the huff with me. And didn't talk to me for 2 days, not that it bothered me. She's one of those people where it's their way or no way - everything on their terms. You know? It was the same this past Christmas when I had to meet her new boyfriend - just they'd been together nearly a year at that point. And she wouldn't stop bring him up in nearly every conversation me and my oldest sister had.

It seems the impression im getting of your sister is that shes very arrogant. Please correct at any time. She seems to think everyone needs to know everything thats happening with her. Hate those people. Anyway she has just got to understand that, basicly, not everything needs to be said, take an example from your life. Lets say u play C.O.D. while having sex, werid i know, now u would say u played C.O.D. but u wouldnt say about sex DURING would ya? she has just gotta understand that. thats how i see it


Well-known member
I think I'm on the verge of snapping at my oldest sister and telling her what I really think. She told me the other day that I - and I quote: "You will come see our new house, won't you?" I put emphasis on the word "will" because that was the way she said it, in a manipulative way. Like it was a demand. Making me feel like I don't have much choice in the matter. Can't take "No" for an answer. I mean, she basically answered her own question for me, by the way she'd phrased it.

Without knowing the ins-and-outs of all of this, is it possible that maybe she just really wants you to come and see the new house?
It's like if I'm having a party, I might say, 'you are coming to my party, right?', not intending it as an instruction, but just emphasising the fact I really want the person to attend.
Maybe that's what she meant. She's just excited about her new house and wants you to come and see it?


Well-known member
I think I made the right choice,I wouldnt like to be with someone who doesnt think that its wrong to be with a married man,I know that people need to be loved,but as beautiful as she is,she could get almost any single guy that she wants and that gets the guilty feeling out of my shoulders,sorry dont have anyone to talk about this, just needed to vent.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Without knowing the ins-and-outs of all of this, is it possible that maybe she just really wants you to come and see the new house?
It's like if I'm having a party, I might say, 'you are coming to my party, right?', not intending it as an instruction, but just emphasising the fact I really want the person to attend.
Maybe that's what she meant. She's just excited about her new house and wants you to come and see it?

Yeah, I supposed. I can't help feeling I'm being forced into doing it, though. But I guess I'll have to, eventually. To keep her going on and on about it, if nothing else. She like my dad that way - persisting with a question until I give them the answer they want to hear.


Well-known member
I think I made the right choice,I wouldnt like to be with someone who doesnt think that its wrong to be with a married man,

I think you've got nothing to feel guilty about, then.
You're an honorable guy is all, Olhos~ don't do anything if it feels wrong to you.
(and also-- continue to vent here anytime!)
I did a lot of good things today. I went into a business that I had no intention of working at and asked for an application, just for the experience. I called a friend that I haven't talked to in a while and my grandmother, who I never call on the phone. Then I had a heart to heart with my dad. Good day. :D


Well-known member
Bored...bored, I'm so bored .Please somebody post a joke or something or i'll die from boredom.::p:


Well-known member
had the best birthday present ever!! Woke up this morning, walked downstairs and my drummer was sitting there, he just got back from Costa Rica, Im soooo happy he's back!!!!


Well-known member
It's New Years Eve!

Of course, it's not really, but Easter Sunday is technically just 2 hours and 15 minutes away, and at midnight my mum and I have both agreed to sit and eat some chocolate together in celebration of the fact that Lent is finished.
I'm ridiculously excited about this. This has been a really boring weekend in view of the fact I've spent all of it working in my bedroom, but - a party is coming in just two hours!!

I know, I'm a loser. It's fun.


Well-known member
Oh I will most definitely enjoy it! I've been thinking about mint kitkats for 40 days and 40 nights now. Finally, tonight, the dream becomes reality!

Why are you feeling tense, Weirdy? All okay?


Well-known member
Parties can be intimidating sometimes, particularly if there are many people there, but focus on the fact that at least you faced the fear and went anyway :)


Well-known member
Parties can be intimidating sometimes, particularly if there are many people there, but focus on the fact that at least you faced the fear and went anyway :)
Agree. Facing fears is very important and if you do it in a regular basis you're heading towards the goal, overcoming them. Of course it's a slow progerss and depends a lot on the person.


Well-known member
Regretful because I'm an idiot. I need an award for this -___-
