How are you feeling?


Well, i feel kinda crap. I am odd. I think that not only are the people judging me, i think the laptop, the floor, celling even the dog is mocking me. And yet I act like i dont care what people think, the truth is i do care. im an introvert extrovert. inside im shy outside im confident. im scared of sex, i am not a virgin but since the last time i had sexual relationship it went horrible wrong in every way. But i guess i just live it everyday, thinking there judging me. Every person and every object. but one song keeps me going. it lmfao's party rock anthem


Well-known member
Well, i feel kinda crap. I am odd. I think that not only are the people judging me, i think the laptop, the floor, celling even the dog is mocking me. And yet I act like i dont care what people think, the truth is i do care. im an introvert extrovert. inside im shy outside im confident. im scared of sex, i am not a virgin but since the last time i had sexual relationship it went horrible wrong in every way. But i guess i just live it everyday, thinking there judging me. Every person and every object. but one song keeps me going. it lmfao's party rock anthem

I understand how you feel man...I'm can relate to you on many aspects.
Ohhh and btw welcome to SPW.:D


I understand how you feel man...I'm can relate to you on many aspects.
Ohhh and btw welcome to SPW.:D

Thank you for the welcoming. It sucks more for me cause im studying performing arts. so im basicly acting every minute of my life. unless im on my own of course. But thank you for understanding ::eek::


Well-known member
Well im leaving for Italy in a couple of hours. It was sweet waking up this morning to the most gorgeous day imaginable,it feels like summer out. Anyway wont be back for a week or so,see you guys then.


Well-known member
Well im leaving for Italy in a couple of hours. It was sweet waking up this morning to the most gorgeous day imaginable,it feels like summer out. Anyway wont be back for a week or so,see you guys then.

see ya! have a safe trip. & it's nice to hear you're having a great day:)


Well-known member
Well im leaving for Italy in a couple of hours. It was sweet waking up this morning to the most gorgeous day imaginable,it feels like summer out. Anyway wont be back for a week or so,see you guys then.

See ya.Don't forget to get some pizza from the motherland of pizza.:D


Well-known member
Thank you for the welcoming. It sucks more for me cause im studying performing arts. so im basicly acting every minute of my life. unless im on my own of course. But thank you for understanding ::eek::

welcome to SPW!

i think you're lucky in some ways. at least you can perform in front of an audience.


welcome to SPW!

i think you're lucky in some ways. at least you can perform in front of an audience.

Thank you. In some ways yes, but it does mess with your nerves a lot. Acting like you dont care what others think at the start of the day has become normal, but acting as another person while acting as nothing gets u down while acting as a character in a play is very hard. By the way, Actception. Acting within Acting. ::p:


Well-known member
Thank you. In some ways yes, but it does mess with your nerves a lot. Acting like you dont care what others think at the start of the day has become normal, but acting as another person while acting as nothing gets u down while acting as a character in a play is very hard. By the way, Actception. Acting within Acting. ::p:

wow... that sounds pretty complicated. lol.


Well-known member
You weren't planning a day off but now you have one, so it's time to enjoy it. What will you do?
^ Well, I don't get the whole day off really. I'm stuck here until my next class at 1pm, then I get to leave afterwards. I just have a lot of time to kill until then.


Well-known member
Now I'm feeling slightly pissed. I filled out my TAP application back in January. There are currently holds on my records here at college because Student Administrations says they haven't received anything yet, so I can't get access to next year's schedule to change a few classes around. I can't get access to anything until that money comes in, and who knows how long that's going to take. God I hope I'm not stuck with these awful classes next semester.


Well-known member
I just came from the theater, I went to see the Wrath of the Titans,, it was nice,,
We had the whole screen for ourselves haha we were like 10 in there,,,
But Im pleased with the movie tho,,


Well-known member
Awful. My cousin and I finally got into an argument. I knew it was coming some day soon, but it didn't need to happen, today, in college. I really don't feel like going into details, it's stupid. I'm basically just a "child" and she still won't stop treating me like one. I'm almost 19. I realize my life is pathetic right now, living with my parents with no job and license, grabbing rides as I go just to get to college and get an education, and god do I hate it (and I'm trying as much as I can at the moment to move), but that doesn't make me a child. I didn't say all that I wanted to say because 1) I was nearly about to burst into tears because I was so mad (and still am), and 2) it wouldn't have mattered, it would've been a continuous cycle of her attempting to prove how "mature" she is and how "hard" her life is right now. I basically sat in the car biting my tongue for a half hour, holding back what I wanted to say, as she continuously went on and on and on. My head hurts from being so angry and inhaling cigarette smoke.

I don't even know why I'm posting this. I never want to add any more negativity to the site, yet I still am. I've also been trying so hard to stop thinking so negatively, and it's been working great for the most part, but I still find myself going back to the same old thoughts over and over.

Ugh.... At least I'm officially starting Spring Break.... What a crappy beginning.