How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Doctor who?


It's New Years Eve!

Of course, it's not really, but Easter Sunday is technically just 2 hours and 15 minutes away, and at midnight my mum and I have both agreed to sit and eat some chocolate together in celebration of the fact that Lent is finished.
I'm ridiculously excited about this. This has been a really boring weekend in view of the fact I've spent all of it working in my bedroom, but - a party is coming in just two hours!!

I know, I'm a loser. It's fun.
It's Easter here and I'm incredibly unexcited about it. :/ Sounds like you're going to have a better time than I will.


Well-known member
Some of the relationships in my life are just disappointing, for instance my boyfriend is a liar, and my sister who I can usually count on is just not always the nicest or empathetic towards me so I'm a little angry and sad :/ but that's life I guess


Well-known member
Some of the relationships in my life are just disappointing, for instance my boyfriend is a liar, and my sister who I can usually count on is just not always the nicest or empathetic towards me so I'm a little angry and sad :/ but that's life I guess
It's life but it doesn't mean you have to put up with it. If they're approachable, confront your boyfriend and sister and hopefully they'll listen to you and see the errors in their ways.


Well-known member
It's Easter here and I'm incredibly unexcited about it. :/ Sounds like you're going to have a better time than I will.

Aha, I'm not normally excited about it, it's only because I gave up chocolate for Lent. I didn't realise how much chocolate features in the things I eat. Just had some now though, and I feel sick :-S
Happy Easter, Mikey! Are Easter Eggs upside down in Australia? ::p:


Well-known member
Aha, I'm not normally excited about it, it's only because I gave up chocolate for Lent. I didn't realise how much chocolate features in the things I eat. Just had some now though, and I feel sick :-S
Happy Easter, Mikey! Are Easter Eggs upside down in Australia? ::p:
Chocolate features in all things I eat! Haha.

Yes, twiggle, Easter eggs are upside-down and it's actually September here! :eek: ::p:


Well-known member
Well, as it is, I told everyone to get me nothing for Easter and my brother and parents got me lots of chocolate and I got everyone nothing. ::(: I feel like a spoiled brat.


Well-known member
Chocolate features in all things I eat! Haha.

Yes, twiggle, Easter eggs are upside-down and it's actually September here! :eek: ::p:

I thought so!
I'll start digging a hole in my back-garden, eventually it'll be so big that we'll be able to wave at each other through each of the openings ::p: That's how Australia works!


Well-known member
I thought so!
I'll start digging a hole in my back-garden, eventually it'll be so big that we'll be able to wave at each other through each of the openings ::p: That's how Australia works!
That's right! It only works if you dig, though. ;)

We also wear hats on our feet, sit backwards in our chairs, and type our words backwards. :D


Well-known member
I can't stop crying. You think your body would run out of water to make tears at some point.

Unfortunately not, eh?
Even after years of crying myself to sleep, I still cry all the time for no reason at all. I used to avoid drinking anything and become dehydrated in hopes that I would be able to just stop crying.


Well-known member
Unfortunately not, eh?
Even after years of crying myself to sleep, I still cry all the time for no reason at all. I used to avoid drinking anything and become dehydrated in hopes that I would be able to just stop crying.
That is unbearably sad. ::(: I'm sorry, Weirdy.