Dodger said:
If so how did you met that person and how did it work out?
I have never had a real girlfriend before personally and I am 19... I am starting to doubt if I will find the right girl for me.
OHHHH 19??! thats a baby, I am 21... and im sure will be a while before i get married...i am going to have to meet a lot more people before that ever happens.
To answer your question, the most boyfriends i had was in my childhood. First was PreK, love at first sight

his parents had a boat and me, him and both our parents would go out on it together.
i made a boy cry in kindergarten because he went home and his mom asked him why he was crying, and he said "summer talked to another boy today..."
lol. (please note this NEVER happens now, well no guy is sensitive enough now, but this reaction definitely doesnt happen to me now)
after that the LONGEST relationship i have been in was from 3rd grade to 5th grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we were serious... its kind of unheard of to be that serious. like we went to dances in the 4th grade- boy girl ones with a DJ. looking back on it im like, mom dad, why were yall so trusting and lenient??! christopher also had his bday party and it was a "couple only" one. he invited my best friends from our class and their bf's and we had "couple time" lol.. intense. we broke up when i moved away. we tried a long distance relationship, then i found out he kissed one of my friends while i was gone, and then he moved too.. now we are friends again on myspace. (as i am with the other 2 boys) lol they are all single now but i know 2 of them have been in on again off again relationships.
ANYWAY back to grown up relationships which are FAR LESS interesting.
all through out HS i was way too busy and honestly no one really dated at our HS, at least none that i couldnt live without being in.
in college i have had guys in and out, but nothing serious.
i am such a relationship person and would love to be "monogomous"
the guys i have dated have been all wrong for me though and wouldnt change us not being together bc we arent right for each other.
2 guys i dated i met through church and our beliefs are very different, we spent so much time talking about what we believe (which is good) but we found out we didnt agree on important things.
then this guy i met in class , i found out he looted in NOLA during hurricane katrina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha hes such a loser... sorry, but he sends really inappropriate texts to me when he has a GF now and im def glad we didnt get more serious. thats why guys you meet in class, you DONT KNOW what their hands have touched/where theyve been..litterally.
THEN i thought i found my soul mate.
and now hes in Japan. and i will never see him again.
so thats my love life (for the most part) up to this point. if you read that congratulations to you. and thanks because i dont know how boring or exciting it is. i just like reading about other people.