Have you every had a girlfriend/boyfriend?


Well-known member
If so how did you met that person and how did it work out?

I have never had a real girlfriend before personally and I am 19... I am starting to doubt if I will find the right girl for me.

I've had 4 different girlfriends, and each relationship only lasted around a month each, because I was constantly hiding my problems from them & lying to them to get out of going places (again not out of lazyness... it was because of my embarrassing HH.). I was a horrible bf. I've killed more relationships in the "crush" stage's then I can even remember, all to avoid people from noticing my HH.

Im 18, but its all relative. I've never looked for the "right girl" I've just been in "like/lust" a bunch of times.
Lower your standards and have a good time, because the "right girl" your talking about only comes around once in a lifetime. =]
So have some fun & go meet the wrong girl. I guarantee you'll still have an amazing time.
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I am 26 and getting married in one month. I met this girl a year ago (we met through church), when I was 25. She was my very first second date (I had been on a couple of first dates with a couple of other girls; basically, almost nonexistent date experience). Which means, obviously, she was my very first girlfriend. I am marrying my first girlfriend, and it is wonderful. So I was 25, and never had had a girlfriend, or anything close to it!

I was homeschooled through the 8th grade, socially retarded in high school, and had no life in college. She was a high school cheerleader, and a sorority girl in college. She is bubbly and outgoing, and I prefer to find a corner to stand in.

Once you get out of school, all the stupid social barriers begin to crumble.


Active member
I'm 21, haven't even come close to having a girlfriend and I see it staying that way for a long time. I would love to be in a relationship but it wouldn't be fair on her to have to cope with and hear of my problems all the time.


Active member
I had a girlfriend when I was 16, which lasted a couple of years, and she has been the only real girlfriend I have ever had. Im 23 now and in hindsight it wasn't a good relationship because I was never able to critisise or voice disagreement which gave her the license to ride all over me, but nonetheless im thankful for the experience.
To me it seems that getting comfortable enough to let go of your inhibitions so that you can click and get to know a person of the opposite sex involves making a lasting impression of yourself, which is a task ten times as difficult for someone with SA.


Well-known member
yep was married once never worked out , got got a gf in ireland been seeing her for nearly 4 years , i fly there she flys here ect ......... hopin to move to irland one day but bit paraniod she has a big family , met her daughters was a bundle of nerves but i got through it ok , in fact one of her daughters said hey id jump into bed with him mum , how embarrsing was that , i wasnt there when she said it thank god or id have probably died , in fact the only reason iv not moved there is my sa , new people new job big family , all her family in uk want to meet me , so um like still hiding under the sofa lol , but ill have to meet them all one day , big gulp


Well-known member
I'm 20 and have been in one relationship that lasted a day and one that lasted one date, so I guess that counts as like 1/3 of a girlfriend. The first one was really embarassing because it took me an entire day and goading from my friends to ask her.
She said yes, but I got nervous and didn't know what to do so I never called her and she dumped me a week later. Her next boyfriend came to me one day at school and asked if I had dated her. When I said yeah, he basically said, "Well, I'm dating her now." I generally try to be a nice person to everyone but I can honestly say I hated that guy's guts after that.

The last one I think had the potential to work but it was just not the right time for either of us as she didn't really want to be in one and I still wasn't ready for one yet. Sucks because now she has a boyfriend and now I think I'm at a stage where I think it could work better between us, though I value her friendship above all else.

Seems like the only girls that I attract are taken girls or lesbians so I'm either going to be single, confused, or an adulterer lol. But thankfully I focus on all the strengths of being single (there are a lot of them too), so loneliness doesn't bother very often. It would be nice to meet someone to be intimate with though. Something I never got to in the two relationships I've been in.


Well-known member
i only had one boyfriend , some guys asked me if i wanted , but i said no , because i dont like peoples, period. i met him in a barbecue.


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It's a bit strange that socially anxious women don't seem to have a problem with the opposite sex, as much as socially anxious men. Perhaps this is due to the fact that women don't have to approach themselves?


Well-known member
^ That's because all the onus is on the male to do the chasing, and if you have problems doing that, you're not going to get very far. I think you need to get lucky as a guy to actually have a girl you like do the chasing.

Women with SA may feel uncomfortable getting approached by men, but if they're attracted to them it will be easier for things to possibly develop.

This is why it's much more likely for men with SA to remain single than women with SA.

Harsh, but true.


Well-known member
Nope. I've had a couple of casual dates, but they've never gone anywhere. I think I don't have a positive enough body image to make it into relationship territory. :/


Well-known member
^ That's because all the onus is on the male to do the chasing, and if you have problems doing that, you're not going to get very far. I think you need to get lucky as a guy to actually have a girl you like do the chasing.

Harsh, but true.

I've had girls go after me a few times. I always mess it up though. I just get too anxious to admit how I feel to them or act on my feelings. Probably my biggest regret in life so far is being to anxious to be with girls I really cared about. I guess that's not really a big deal though. What's important is how I feel and who I am, not what has or hasn't happened to me.


Ive had 4 gfs and 1 bf before. So far my current gf is working out, but theres still struggles day to day.


Yes, but only dribs and drabs. Kinda like the nervous awkward 1 week relationships you have (or other people anyway) when you're at school.
But I'm confident that they are possible for all of us, with enough determination to step outside our comfort zones.

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
I met my current girlfriend 17 months ago at an anime convention; the funny thing is that she´s the polar opposite of me in the sense that she´s a really outgoing and friendly person lol. So far it´s worked out quite nicely, but there have been some struggles here and there due to the fact that she can´t be alone for more than 1/2 hours while I´m used to being alone for a whole day.

The thing is that I´ve discovered the saying "my girlfriend has to be as quiet as I am or it won´t work" is completely false, for if both never talk things are going to get boring quickly. In my case she keeps conversations alive, while I mostly listen and throw a comment or two here and there :).


Well-known member
I met my current girlfriend 17 months ago at an anime convention; the funny thing is that she´s the polar opposite of me in the sense that she´s a really outgoing and friendly person lol. So far it´s worked out quite nicely, but there have been some struggles here and there due to the fact that she can´t be alone for more than 1/2 hours while I´m used to being alone for a whole day.

The thing is that I´ve discovered the saying "my girlfriend has to be as quiet as I am or it won´t work" is completely false, for if both never talk things are going to get boring quickly. In my case she keeps conversations alive, while I mostly listen and throw a comment or two here and there :).

So opposites DO attract :D Sounds awesome man.

Never had a REAL girlfriend, I just cant get close.It sucks not being with someone.Ahhh but times on our side people!!


Well-known member
I think what works best is having 2 people with SA on opposite ends of the spectrum, for example, one person with mild SA and another with severe SA.