Have you every had a girlfriend/boyfriend?


Well-known member
enchantress24 said:
I'm 24 and I have never been in a real relationship. Dated a guy about 3 years ago and I've been single since then. I guess some of us are meant to be alone. thats how I see it. :(

hey,at least u did date a dude before..im the same age as u are and it looks real hopeless for me..


Well-known member
Ok boys and girls, enough crying over the fact that you never had a boyfriend or girlfriend.

How about we play a game, and we setup some virtual dates with all the singles posting on this thread. Now I'm not exactly sure how we could proceed, it's past 4:00am and I have a couple of beers in me, but still I think it's a good idea.

We need someone in charge, a person who will decide on the matches and decide who dates who. It could be based on age, interests ect...The date could happen on IM, either Yahoo, Msn or other...

Does this sound like a good idea ? Virtual dates with no pressure, could be fun, specially if your matched to someone randomly, like a blind date. But of course, if we proceed with this, we'd need to establish some rules and decide on how we match up everyone.

Any ideas how we could go along with this ?


Well im 21 and have never had a girlfriend, some girl was into me some years ago but i didn't felt interested, i was and still a little bit selfish, but well i really dont care about having one yet, im not desperate, it could be cool but i guess im afraid or havent found anyone special, i see pretty much people are the same sometimes... but still that game idea sounds fun hahahaa
Kinda depressing

Yah, well I'm fifteen which I feel is still too young to date but this forum didn't exactly make me feel very well about my future lol. Wonder if any social phobes have ever married :?: btw It was really weird looking at the pictures on this site. All of you guys looked so normal! I don't know what I was expecting actually ^_^:: I guess that's why people find it hard to understand social phobia. The person who has it doesn't look any different than an outgoing person.


Active member
16, have been working my ass off to get a girlfriend for at least a year and 3 months(probably longer), with 0 results(well, one, a year and 2 months ago, but she had 0 interest), starting to lose hope


Well-known member
Yesterday I got a mail on the speed date aplication of facebook. (o,o) She said hi, I replied hi. I have no idea what to do. :S Btw, apparantly I had got 1 mail from 2 girls each back in the summer. :/


Once and she asked me, we were together maybe three months. I was 16 then, now I'm 20 and really see no perspective. I'm lousy in conversations, especially with girls, I always think they are considering me boring or uninteresting. I always think about other people opinion, so can't really enjoy conversation


Well-known member
I'm 19. I just moved home from Winnipeg. When I was living there I worked in a grocery store. One day out of the blue this girl that I worked with comes up to me and asked me to her grad. I straight up turned her down. The next day she nagged me...asking why. I could tell she was nervous when she was doing it. I could tell she really wanted me to go. So after a couple days of this i just straight up told her I have social anxiety. After I told her that she started asking me questions about it, saying she wanted to help me with it. She gave me her phone number and shit and I called her. It went from there and we got into a serious relationship. It lasted about 4 months then I moved home. I can honestly say I didn't like her that much but she really did help a lot with my anxiety.its kind of weird. I still talk to her from time to time on MSN. I don;t think that will ever happen to me again....I was very fortunate for that...if it does happen again, hopefully it will be a chick I actually want to be in a relationship with.


New member
I've had a few girlfriends ( I am a chick myself). All three relationships lasted about two years a piece. I think my exes tried to understand my panic attacks and agoraphobia, but it just couldn't work out.
I have realized that I am just going to be alone and that's the way it is!


I've had 3 or 4 GFs that I dated for around a year or more. But the last one I had was a while ago. I honestly don't see myself getting another one anytime soon, probably every again, unfortunately. :(


Well-known member
I'm 26, have never been in a relationship, never been kissed, or even held hands :oops: .
No one understands it at all. It sucks, & it's all because my SA is so severe. I have hope, though. I've been getting help this past year, so... someday.


Well-known member
Never. Lifelong celibacy is a fact for me. I'm already 32 so it can't get any harder. My desires decrease as I get older, but not the pain. I feel inferior and guilty. Strange.