have you ever fainted before?


Well-known member
I did in front of a bunch of people. It was really hot and I didn't drink water because I didn't want to go to the bathroom so I didn't drink much. I almost got seriously injured but landed in the grass. Now I'm going to a concert where we have to stand with a bunch of random people in a spot for 5 hours and not sure how to make it. How do you avoid completely fainting? :( it's very hot out since it's summer...


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I've blacked out a number of times while stacking logs or working bonfires in the summer, though I never completely lost consciousness. Just you know, going all black and falling down. I've gotten better about staying hydrated but sometimes it still happens if I'm working while I'm sick.


Pirate from the North Pole
1- Carry water
2- Make sure to be close to something you can lean on: The stage, a wall, speaker box (better being deaf that fainting in front of everyone!)
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Well-known member
It seems like is impossible for me faint. I have felt like I was going to pass out, or fall asleep, more times then I can count, but never have fainted.


Well-known member
I've fainted in public a few times. Whenever I'm sat in a public place or sat on a bus I worry about fainting.


Well-known member
Stay hydrated. I've fainted before but I was at home. I was downstairs watching TV and decided to run upstairs to get something during the commercial. I stood up too fast, got dizzy, ignored it and ran upstairs. When I got upstairs I started feeling really dizzy but instead of sitting down someplace, I leaned against a wall and waited for the spell to pass. The next thing I remember was hearing a loud thump and realizing it was me hitting the floor. I didn't hurt myself and got back up almost immediately. I probably should have had it checked out but I just sat down until my head cleared and kept going as if it never happened. This was some years ago and I have never had another occurance since.


Well-known member
I felt like I was going to faint almost all the time a few ago. It was the start of my battle with panic disorder. I still get the dizziness and the feeling my feet could fall out from underneath me, but I know it's only stress and it can't kill me.


Staff member
Yeah I have, blood test. My phobia of needles is that strong! I lie down when I have it done now. ;) Drink water!
I have come close to fainting several times when I was younger due to starving to lose weight. Thankfully It only happened when I was at home. If you lay down and get your head horizontal quick enough it can stop it from happening. I always saw sparkly white dots floating around before I was going to faint, so I knew when to lie down quick.:)
Try not overheat, wear light clothes, if you've long hair tie it up, *stay well hydrated*, make sure you've eaten.

*** very very important


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Aye, ah fainted frae heat stroke yin summer. Passed oot in the middle uh Dumfries. Woke a few minutes later in an ambulance - ah wuz wi' ma cousin at the time, he called them - wonder how the F-star-star-star ah got there. Got taken tae the Royal Infirmary hospital, and this frickin' goatee bearded baldy o' a doctor kept askin' me if ah'd taken anythin'... Ah said "No". He asked me if ah wuz sure, to which ye gie the typical Scottish response: "Aye"

But the cuckin' funt didnae believe me, so asks me again. "Are ye sure didn't take anything?". "Aye!", ah'm gittin' really annoyed by this point, coz the line uh question has'nae changed. "No-one gave you anything?", he's checkin' ma arms by this point... Which is jist hilarious. :bigsmile:

Ah sigh and go: "If ye don't believe ah've taken anythin' why don't ye ask him?" And nod tae ma cousin. So, the doc looks at me, then look at ma cousin and asks: "Are you a relative?" And I say, wi' totally deadpan sarcasm: "Naw, he's ma dealer"

Of course, it didnae help that ah hud ma right eyebrow pierced - the first clear sign yer junkie. :sarcastic:

But, aye, stay hydrated. And mibbe git yin uh then wee battery-powered fans if ye feel yersel' gittin' too warm?
I always saw sparkly white dots floating around before I was going to faint, so I knew when to lie down quick.:)

Man, I wish I only experienced that. I either get a panicky feeling or a nauseous and then cold feeling.

@OP, all the precautions everyone suggested are good, but even if you DID faint, it's really nothing to be embarrassed about. I know that's easy to tell yourself but harder to feel, but... well, I guess it's easy for me to say because it's not something I find shameful. You can't help it and no one is going to think you're weird for it; they'll just be concerned.


not actually Fiona Apple
A few times my sight has blacked out and I grope around for a wall or seat for a what feels like an entirety (but is in reality a few seconds) until the static-y brain fuzz goes away my sight is back. I never actually fainted any of these times but it always was close. I'm glad it doesn't happen much if ever any more, because I was always so nervous it would happen at a really bad time, like when walking down the halls at school...or driving.


Well-known member
Please do keep hydrated, guys.
With *water*. Drink lots of water!
Doesn't count for hydration if you're drinking coffee or soda or even juice all day long-- H2O is the way to go!

And yes.
I'm terribly anemic. I fainted frequently when I was in highschool and I do it whenever I have to get local anesthesia or have blood drawn-- or get too hot... or surprised...


Staff member
Eat lots of hummus, chickpeas or socca weirdy. Chickpea has the most iron in any food :)


Well-known member
A friend showed me the aftermath of an operation. Specifically, he had his complete front portion of the eye replaced - lens, iris, cornea etc and stitches all the way round. Felt wobbly then.


I fainted once at work, then I had 40 minutes of the worst pain I've ever experienced and threw up in the parking lot twice. That was a fun day.