Has social anxiety ruined your life irreversibly?


Well-known member
Has it made my life more difficult? Yes.
Has it ruined my life? No.

I think something would have ruined my life if it would cause me to have no joy anymore in life at all. Which is not the case. There are things I enjoy.


Well-known member
Yes. There was a track I was on but...that track is no longer there. SA has gotten in the way and ruined that for me.


Well-known member
I have to say that I have lived much, much, more these last few years despite sharing it with severe anxiety. My anxiety has been much more noticeable and painful in that time because of the effort I have made to live a life. The rewards have been worth the effort.

I've even been happy and that is one of my greatest achievments.
Yes it has, to a strong degree. I am not the person I wanna be , because of SA. I wanted to be much more social, and less anxious, I always freeze around people and it's really overwelming.

So yeah, for me it does.

But I am still here, living, so there is some power inside me, that still loves life even though i got SA. There are beautiful things, for sure. Even if you're anxious.


Well-known member
Social anxiety has ruined my life, but perhaps not irreversibly. In college, I never applied for internships or job shadow opportunities. I also never went to career fairs, all because I was scared of people and was afraid of shaking / acting awkward in front of others. People think I must be stupid that I didn't take advantage of many opportunities, but it's really my SA/PTSD that's inhibiting me.

I had dreams to study medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and engineering, but all these opportunities are gone. I didn't do well on my science courses. I won't be eligible for Pell grant anymore, once I'm done with this semester, plus I don't want to take out any more student loans. And I'm tired of being in school for so many years already. I have almost no job experience, but lots of volunteering experience.


Super Moderator
It has made things difficult, but I don't think it's irreversible. It's all a matter of looking for help to try to fix it.


Well-known member
it's created obstacles. if i didn't have this, i would be an entirely different person- which i cannot fathom.


Well-known member
I should say, in certain social situations, it ruins my life. Depending on who I'm around. Today my social skills were a lot better than usual, so my life is completely ruined socially.


Active member
I guess after knowing this site for over 2 years ,with half a dozen accounts and 5 posts (counting this one).The answer is yes.

Took me about 15 mins to decide whether or not to post.

btw hi and probably goodbye


Well-known member
I guess after knowing this site for over 2 years ,with half a dozen accounts and 5 posts (counting this one).The answer is yes.

Took me about 15 mins to decide whether or not to post.

btw hi and probably goodbye

lol why so many accounts, you get banned all those times?