Well than all the power to you man! I cant tell you what will work for you, I can only tell you what didn't work for me.
I hope you can find a girl that has more in common with you than drinking and liking to go out though.
Youre right, not all women will think your a loser if you portray an image of confidence. But if youre unsure about yourself and such then chances are they will. I think you have a good attitude about this though so i give you mad props.
I know what you mean and you are very right about this, that women can see insecurity and shyness and are usually turned off by it. I've actually had to experience that exact thing happening much throughout my life.
My aura isn't very good. People will call me negative, but to give it to you straight, I do come off as shy and dorky. I know this because I've heard numerous men and women say this about me when they were around me. I've even had older women call me loser or dork numerous times, but the point is that this is how I come off.
Although I have that big fault and actually am shy, I don't think that will be dealbreaker to every single woman that I find attractive. You do have a point though, it's possible that most will not like my shy dorkiness.
Sorry if I'm rambling, I tend to do that when typing, but sometimes people say things that inspire me to write more.
I also hope I can find a woman that has more in common with me than drinking and liking to go out. Considering my shyness, what I really need is a woman who understands me. I've always wanted that, a woman that understands me, as sappy as it sounds.
I'm playing to the minority, so to speak, as most women want a man who has a lot of social confidence and social status and at least average money.
In conclusion to all this mumbo jumbo, I refuse to believe that there isn't some woman out there that I think is attractive that can't love me despite my flaws. I'm not saying you are saying that, just saying what I'm thinking right now.
When I look at myself, I know this sounds cocky but I don't care....I can't believe I've been alone for as long as I have. I'm not that bad of a guy.