Brad and Tyler both say to go out every night. Yes, every night. I get why they say that. If you want results why not improve your odds by being out there more. Brad says that it also makes it easier to approach women because you have that momentum I spoke of in the previous post.
I don't know about going out every night, but if I want to better myself I should be going out way more than I am.
Unfortunately, I can't afford to go out every night right now. I know I'm not supposed to make excuses, but I just got an apartment and am moving in Aug. 15 and need to wait until i get another job before i start blowing cash I need on drinks and cover charges at bars every night.
Tyler says excuses are one of the worst things, but some excuses are valid. A bad excuse, for example, would be someone who has enough money to go out most nights yet they never go out and then claim they "don't have time" or something like that.
I don't know about you guys, but as a shy person, I used to be the king of excuses and excuses are often an excuse to not do something that is hard, brave and risky.