Feminism has done good, but now it's time for society to change on a more emotional level. I don't want to have to depend on a man when I love computers, love working, and want to work with computers as it was often traditional for men to do. I'm even better than many classmates who have to turn to me for help, including some of the men. I finish faster. I'm intuitive. I predict problems before they occur. I learn things not required for class.
But I don't want to be seen as a freak or undesirable as a woman because I wouldn't enjoy cooking, keeping house, and watching kids all the time. I don't think women who would prefer to focus on raising a family should be seen as negative, either, and that's something people - not feminism or lack thereof - need to be responsible for.
Same when it comes to men. If the only reason women respect them or treat their husbands well is because they can't care for themselves and their children without a husband, then is it really respect? If people are thinking and empathizing correctly, respect for men shouldn't be tied exclusively to the role of sole provider.
Why don't we just start expecting people to respect the men in their lives for the financial contributions they do make, their ability to parent, their emotional support, their intellectual cunning, and anything else they bring... like, you know, a good way to treat a person?
Why blame feminism for what human beings are doing wrong?