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Well-known member
If you wouldn't share these views with ordinary people in your life away from the computer, it seems a bit inauthentic to share them here--given how easily someone could get offended on a fragile topic like race and aesthetics, etc. Even if you're simply agreeing with someone who has prejudiced views (or to most people, he does.) To me it speaks of arrogance or a profound need to feel "unique".. at the very least, smugness. You always have to be the bull in a china shop eh? I've 100% certainty that's not the way you compose yourself IRL.

Yeah, you are 100% right. In real life people are oppressed and cannot say what they really think, for they will be fired in this extreme leftist culture. That is true. You can argue that it is inauthentic. I argue that it is surviving under oppression.

Now this thread is really deviating!


Well-known member
My views are too extreme for the vanilla crowd on here. It's ok I know what I feel and I no longer care if anyone here gets it. If people want to look into the facts I have posted about Gloria Steinman for example then please do. It will open your minds up to what is really going on not what your all being spoon fed to believe.

Good Luck on your journey to awareness and truth.

Such a belittling statement to make "I'm more enlightened than you blind vanilla crowd" when you've clearly been spoon-fed a bias agenda yourself.

The CIA aided to popularize the second-wave feminism movement through Gloria Steinmen to introduce instability in society, that part is backed up by evidence. You're drawing the wrong conclusions however.

Nor the CIA nor the elite bankers actually created feminism (that appeared in the 19th century, not the 70s). They saw the potential of instability in the movement and used it to their advantage as a sort of scapegoat, but I fail to see how that says anything about the movement itself.


Well-known member
Yeah, you are 100% right. In real life people are oppressed and cannot say what they really think, for they will be fired in this extreme leftist culture. That is true. You can argue that it is inauthentic. I argue that it is surviving under oppression.

Now this thread is really deviating!

yes can we kill it please.
I think that if there was other life forms out there they'd look at humans and laugh and think us very petty. We give so much time to categorising ourselves and others with labels. There are so many better things we could be doing to build better futures together for everyone than focusing on all this division. I'm really done with feminism and I dont think equality is possible since only once gender can have the babies and lets face it, that is the real crux of it. Men dont have the same opportunities to carry babies and women have hard choices because they do. I think its time to accept the differences we can't alter and just get on with it, time for everyoneism.


Well-known member
I think that if there was other life forms out there they'd look at humans and laugh and think us very petty. We give so much time to categorising ourselves and others with labels. There are so many better things we could be doing to build better futures together for everyone than focusing on all this division. I'm really done with feminism and I dont think equality is possible since only once gender can have the babies and lets face it, that is the real crux of it. Men dont have the same opportunities to carry babies and women have hard choices because they do. I think its time to accept the differences we can't alter and just get on with it, time for everyoneism.
Yes. This.

I don't really like this thread. :confused:
I think that if there was other life forms out there they'd look at humans and laugh and think us very petty. We give so much time to categorising ourselves and others with labels. There are so many better things we could be doing to build better futures together for everyone than focusing on all this division. I'm really done with feminism and I dont think equality is possible since only once gender can have the babies and lets face it, that is the real crux of it. Men dont have the same opportunities to carry babies and women have hard choices because they do. I think its time to accept the differences we can't alter and just get on with it, time for everyoneism.

I tend to lean toward this viewpoint as well.


Well-known member
I think that if there was other life forms out there they'd look at humans and laugh and think us very petty. We give so much time to categorising ourselves and others with labels. There are so many better things we could be doing to build better futures together for everyone than focusing on all this division. I'm really done with feminism and I dont think equality is possible since only once gender can have the babies and lets face it, that is the real crux of it. Men dont have the same opportunities to carry babies and women have hard choices because they do. I think its time to accept the differences we can't alter and just get on with it, time for everyoneism.

I think at a higher level, it'll never be the same because of the reasons you mentioned. Women have babies, which produces a lot of double standards, which we just kind of have to deal with. With that said, just because you're capable of having a baby, doesn't mean women should be treated as sub human. Feminism is still desperately needed in the 3rd world. I've seen it personally the way women are treated in these societies and it's disgusting. Take India for example: Rape culture is rampant because "boys will be boys :eek:mg:" and female infanticide exists. The patriarchy in those societies is well and alive and needs to be taken down.
I think at a higher level, it'll never be the same because of the reasons you mentioned. Women have babies, which produces a lot of double standards, which we just kind of have to deal with. With that said, just because you're capable of having a baby, doesn't mean women should be treated as sub human. Feminism is still desperately needed in the 3rd world. I've seen it personally the way women are treated in these societies and it's disgusting. Take India for example: Rape culture is rampant because "boys will be boys :eek:mg:" and female infanticide exists. The patriarchy in those societies is well and alive and needs to be taken down.

This too.

Feminism is still desperately needed in the 3rd world. I've seen it personally the way women are treated in these societies and it's disgusting. Take India for example: Rape culture is rampant because "boys will be boys :eek:mg:" and female infanticide exists. The patriarchy in those societies is well and alive and needs to be taken down.

Its very sad. :sad:


Well-known member
Yeah, you are 100% right. In real life people are oppressed and cannot say what they really think, for they will be fired in this extreme leftist culture. That is true. You can argue that it is inauthentic. I argue that it is surviving under oppression.

Now this thread is really deviating!

I'm not sure it has anything to do with leftist or rightist, I see a culture that stands for nothing other than corporate greed. Our elected representatives, both male and female seem to be bland individuals lacking any vision to tackle the big issues faced by the world. It is carrying on the legacy of keeping vested corporate and media interests happy.

The question is sometimes asked would the world be a better place if women where in charge. I think equality is a good thing, but unfortunately many of the women coming to political power are just continuing the legacy of patriarchal rule that is destroying this earth.

I would like to see someone with the vision and courage to make the changes to our culture of greed, to try and prevent the catastrophe we as a species are headed for.
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Well-known member
Yeah, you are 100% right. In real life people are oppressed and cannot say what they really think, for they will be fired in this extreme leftist culture. That is true. You can argue that it is inauthentic. I argue that it is surviving under oppression.

Fair point. (I hope I didn't come off too strong with that criticism, btw.)


Well-known member
You're welcome to think whatever you want dottie but you can't possibly say that kanazwas article is"truth". its biased. Plain and simple. There's no way he could gather a an accurate sample size of every ethnicity and race of people from who have all have the same upbringing, enviornment,cultural ideals etc. That study is purely opinion not fact. The fact that there are so many variables to factor in pretty much makes the whole study null and void. Its like having a poll on which taste better apples or oranges when only ten people out of your 100+ sample size has ever tasted an orange. You can't do that.

I agree! You can't just take a hand full of Africans and give them a IQ test, then generalize all Africans of the entire world based on those test results while disregarding the fact that there are lots of brilliant African scientist, doctors, engineers, etc.. Human beings of different levels of intelligence exist in all races. All races have people who range from individuals with below average intelligence to individuals who are genius. You can't determine intelligence level by race. Kanazwa's ideas about race and intelligence have already been disproved by research that have been conducted from the end of the 19th century to the 1960s. But I guess that, that still won't stop people who want to think of there own race as superior from claiming that other races are intellectually inferior.

And as for the black women is unattractive claim, what did Kanazwa do to come to this conclusion? Did he ask everyone on the planet including black men if they find black women unattractive, and hear all human beings that exist on this planet answer yes? no he didn't
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Staff member
^ Yup indeed!

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Just wanted to point out that a new study on male attractiveness that uses a global sample found masculine faces to be more attractive in urban, industrialized environments like North America, but found that feminine male faces were preferred in rural South American environments.

The difference from culture to culture indisputably points to social conditioning as playing the largest role in determining what is considered attractive:


I would also be willing to bet that the people who accept such things as 'hard truths' wouldn't be so keen on pushing everyone to 'face the facts' if it was THEIR ethnicity or orientation being attacked, unless of course they hate themselves. I'm definitely not ruling that out.
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Well-known member
^ Yup indeed!


It is perfectly natural to want to be with your own kind. It is natural to want to be with people of your own culture... like attracts like. It is not hateful or small-minded as leftist culture would have you believe. I think all cultures each have their own beautiful aspects to them, but that doesn't mean shoving a bunch of people together whether-they-like-it-or-not in the name of "diversity" (and at the expense of one people over another) is anything but political manipulation and covert war. It causes tension at the LEAST, as we are witnessing, when such truths cannot even be addressed because we all have our mouths duct-taped shut with the manipulation of political correctness.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
It is perfectly natural to want to be with your own kind. It is natural to want to be with people of your own culture... like attracts like. It is not hateful or small-minded as leftist culture would have you believe. I think all cultures each have their own beautiful aspects to them, but that doesn't mean shoving a bunch of people together whether-they-like-it-or-not in the name of "diversity" (and at the expense of one people over another) is anything but political manipulation and covert war. It causes tension at the LEAST, as we are witnessing, when such truths cannot even be addressed because we all have our mouths duct-taped shut with the manipulation of political correctness.

You agreed to the rules of this website when you signed up. Including the rules against racism. That makes all that talk about being oppressed pretty disingenuous.

If you wish to speak freely about your "truths" like how black people are less intelligent and attractive, the internet is large.

There are plenty of places full of people just as enlightened as yourself, and you won't have to worry about the "liberals" duct-taping your mouth by enforcing the rules you agreed to in an effort to make this a safe place for everyone, including people who have a more directly African ancestry.


Well-known member
You agreed to the rules of this website when you signed up. Including the rules against racism. That makes all that talk about being oppressed pretty disingenuous.

If you wish to speak freely about your "truths" like how black people are less intelligent and attractive, the internet is large.

There are plenty of places full of people just as enlightened as yourself, and you won't have to worry about the "liberals" duct-taping your mouth by enforcing the rules you agreed to in an effort to make this a safe place for everyone, including people who have a more directly African ancestry.

I'm not talking about you specifically, I'm talking about society as a whole... but I'm glad you are admitting to this.
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