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This threads gone to a really weird place and I really don't like or agree with some of the stuff that's been posted .



I am sure that's not what she ment.Just like I am not a racist for agreeing with the Psychology Today article Alienated posted.

I was posting about the assumption that attraction is always biological and not socialized, not calling people racists.

I would find it hard to believe that anyone who understands feminism could still agree with what Kanazawa is saying. The reason the article is bad isn't because he's criticizing feminism, but because he doesn't even seem to know what it is.

Here is a list of the different types of feminism:


Not all of these groups agree on everything-- in fact the reason that these different types of feminism exist is because they don't agree on everything. Kanazawa is free to dismiss every single one of them, of course, but he's not doing it because he actually understands them. I think that like most people, he's dismissing the version of feminism that's being promoted on youtube and by right-wing media as this sort of jumble of all of the worst elements of radical feminism, snippets of complex ideas completely taken out of context, etc. It's sort of like how people dismiss Islam as hateful because of the actions of a few terrorists, completely ignoring the fact that there are millions of other Muslims all around the world who are the nicest people you could ever meet.

Here's another article by him, btw:

Are all women essentially prostitutes?

Are All Women Essentially Prostitutes? | Psychology Today

That pretty much sums up his vision of what woman should be.
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I am not a supporter of that man. He is actually quoting author Susan Pinker in that article which is who I am agreeing with essentially, who is very knowledgeable about the subject and is a woman...NOT that tool that will be burned at the steak at some point soon if he doesn't stop writing those ridiculously titled articles like the one you linked too OMG!

here's her bio
Susan Pinker is a Canadian psychologist, journalist and broadcaster. Her newspaper columns, Problem Solving and The Business Brain, on the psychology and neuroscience of the business world, appeared weekly in Canada’s national newspaper, The Globe and Mail from 2002-2012, while her radio documentaries aired monthly on the CBC. Her first book, The Sexual Paradox, was awarded The William James Book Award by the American Psychological Association in 2009, and was published in 17 countries. Susan Pinker’s ideas have been featured in the New York Times, The Times of London, The Globe and Mail, The Economist, The Financial Times, The Today Show, Oprah Magazine, and Der Spiegel, among other publications. Her new book, The Village Effect, published on August 26th, 2014, was one of Apple’s best nonfiction picks for August.

I agree with what she said about that there cannot be completely equality it doesn't work in any species known to man. Look at nature, everything has it's role and place and everything is respected for that role. Women were disrespected by society for being their feminine selves and wanting to take care of the children. Did you not see the link I posted to about the real identity of Gloria Steinman? She worked for the CIA and dated mass murder Henry Kissenger for God's Sake! Women unfortunately flocked to her-they didn't know the truth behind the "movement". There's no excuse for not knowing the truth now.


Well-known member
i'm kind of torn on some issues, on the one hand I respect women that go and achieve something and build their careers and have a lot of motivation and drive. on the other I recognise that this was one more thing that leads to neglect of taking care of kids, women can't do everything and shouldn't be expected to. I think there is a problem with modern males that most do not want to adapt to the idea that they may have to be a homemaker at times or look after the kids, I think a lot of guys (not all) consider themselves to be breadwinners and that if they are doing what was once considered things that were a womans role, then they are in some way inneffective in the department of being what they consider to be a male.
society still sort of expects men to be men, to not show emotion, to be strong and powerful and to be all those old traditional ideas and values of that, I still see it reinforced within modern culture, if a change is to happen within the dynamics of relationships then we need to stop reinforcing those old ideals... I don't think that is going to happen though, if anything there seems to be more resilience building and more of a backlash against this, that men want things to be more like they were before feminism got momentum. but perhaps I am focusing my attention too much on those that are opposed to it? those that shout loudest and all that.
Em I fundamentally disagree and reject with what appears to be getting insinuated very very strongly disagree and reject I might add. There is a word for it. I really hope Dottie that this is one of those things where theres some misunderstanding and you dont realise what you're actually communicating to the forum.


Well-known member
Em I fundamentally disagree and reject with what appears to be getting insinuated very very strongly disagree and reject I might add. There is a word for it. I really hope Dottie that this is one of those things where theres some misunderstanding and you dont realise what you're actually communicating to the forum.

Maybe my comment seems brash but I am entitled to my opinion and I have my own personal reasons.

As far as Satoshi Kanazawa... Look how immediately he was dismissed. Doesn't that raise questions? No one is even concerned with that part. People are so eager to cry "bigot" or "racist" without even taking an unbiased look at the story, because that is the easy, popular, politically correct thing to do. That I find negligent and disturbing.

People read what I say and probably want to cry "racist" or "hate speech" because, again, that is the obvious way to react based on their conditioning, which is an easy way to dismiss people with unusual ideas. If you know me at all from the forum, you will know that I am friendly with people of all races. But when it comes to ideology, I seek truth, not popular opinion. It probably does not feel warm and fuzzy to most people.
I don't know who Kanazawa is, I'm not really educated in all these people you all talk about. I do follow your posts, theyre always really interesting. I learn a lot on the forum about stuff I never knew. I think youre a highly respected member of the forum which is why I feel ...um...a bit sad to be honest. And I read and reread this thread to try and see what you actually meant but ... yea I think maybe you should clarify cos thats gonna hurt a lot of people which isnt nice and whether or not you intended it, you communicated a hurtful message to people on this forum.


Well-known member
I don't know who Kanazawa is, I'm not really educated in all these people you all talk about. I do follow your posts, theyre always really interesting. I learn a lot on the forum about stuff I never knew. I think youre a highly respected member of the forum which is why I feel ...um...a bit sad to be honest. And I read and reread this thread to try and see what you actually meant but ... yea I think maybe you should clarify cos thats gonna hurt a lot of people which isnt nice and whether or not you intended it, you communicated a hurtful message to people on this forum.

Thanks for your kind words... I want to give you an honest answer so let me think about this.


Well-known member
Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for women's rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are "socially constructed" to oppress them.

Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy gender identity by making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly heterosexuals are conditioned to behave like homosexuals who generally don't marry and have children. Courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God.


Well-known member
Maybe my comment seems brash but I am entitled to my opinion and I have my own personal reasons.

As far as Satoshi Kanazawa... Look how immediately he was dismissed. Doesn't that raise questions? No one is even concerned with that part. People are so eager to cry "bigot" or "racist" without even taking an unbiased look at the story, because that is the easy, popular, politically correct thing to do. That I find negligent and disturbing.

People read what I say and probably want to cry "racist" or "hate speech" because, again, that is the obvious way to react based on their conditioning, which is an easy way to dismiss people with unusual ideas. If you know me at all from the forum, you will know that I am friendly with people of all races. But when it comes to ideology, I seek truth, not popular opinion. It probably does not feel warm and fuzzy to most people.

You're welcome to think whatever you want dottie but you can't possibly say that kanazwas article is"truth". its biased. Plain and simple. There's no way he could gather a an accurate sample size of every ethnicity and race of people from who have all have the same upbringing, enviornment,cultural ideals etc. That study is purely opinion not fact. The fact that there are so many variables to factor in pretty much makes the whole study null and void. Its like having a poll on which taste better apples or oranges when only ten people out of your 100+ sample size has ever tasted an orange. You can't do that.


Well-known member
Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for women's rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are "socially constructed" to oppress them.

Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy gender identity by making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly heterosexuals are conditioned to behave like homosexuals who generally don't marry and have children. Courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God.

There's just so much wrong with this post... I totally agree that today's Feminist movement has a lot of faults (frankly there's not even such a thing as the Feminist movement nowadays it being so mind bogglingly fragmented), but you're all up in that conspiracy theorist mindset. Rockefellers really?

Feminism isn't a bankers ploy (though I'm sure that they found ways to profit from it, but that's what they do), it was an extremely praise-worthy movement at the time that may have sidetracked along the way (problem when a movement grows so much momentum is that no one is in position to pull the brakes before it grows out of proportion), but again you can't generalize such a fragmented movement that doesn't have a clear meaning anymore. It has faults but it is in no way a "cruel hoax", that's simply unfounded.

A lot of women's role in society is indeed a social construct. I'm not denying the claim that women might be more caring than men, but a lot of the social pressure on women's behavior is indeed socially constructed and is in many cases very detrimental. The same could be said about males side of things. Please don't tell me that telling women that they're able to achieve the same things as men or telling men that they're allowed to have emotions is oppressing them.

There were and still are many wrong things with gender roles and I for one strive towards a future where people aren't discriminated according to their gender.


Well-known member
My views are too extreme for the vanilla crowd on here. It's ok I know what I feel and I no longer care if anyone here gets it. If people want to look into the facts I have posted about Gloria Steinman for example then please do. It will open your minds up to what is really going on not what your all being spoon fed to believe.

Good Luck on your journey to awareness and truth.


Well-known member
Maybe my comment seems brash but I am entitled to my opinion and I have my own personal reasons.

As far as Satoshi Kanazawa... Look how immediately he was dismissed. Doesn't that raise questions? No one is even concerned with that part. People are so eager to cry "bigot" or "racist" without even taking an unbiased look at the story, because that is the easy, popular, politically correct thing to do. That I find negligent and disturbing.

People read what I say and probably want to cry "racist" or "hate speech" because, again, that is the obvious way to react based on their conditioning, which is an easy way to dismiss people with unusual ideas. If you know me at all from the forum, you will know that I am friendly with people of all races. But when it comes to ideology, I seek truth, not popular opinion. It probably does not feel warm and fuzzy to most people.

If you wouldn't share these views with ordinary people in your life away from the computer, it seems a bit inauthentic to share them here--given how easily someone could get offended on a fragile topic like race and aesthetics, etc. Even if you're simply agreeing with someone who has prejudiced views (or to most people, he does.) To me it speaks of arrogance or a profound need to feel "unique".. at the very least, smugness. You always have to be the bull in a china shop eh? I've 100% certainty that's not the way you compose yourself IRL.
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