That is a very paranoid vision of our post industrial society. I am not going to argue with you whether the Government and corporations are deliberately causing pain and suffering to millions of people for money. I'm not going to dignify paranoid delusions with a response.
It's as if you're telling me the Earth is a cube and the Government has convinced us it's a sphere...I'm not even going to argue with you
Haha! That's funny but sad. I shouldn't be wasting my time, but because its so absurd, let me quote you from a little back.
You always have so many toxins and you need their products or books to get rid of these things you didn't even knew you had, before they were so gracious to tell you. First they convince you you're sick and then, you're in luck, they have the cure!
Mmmmm, tsk tsk, sounds like paranoid delusions to me

So let me get this straight, its okay to be paranoid when it comes to anything BUT corporations and government? Ha! Can you seriously sit here and say that corporations are any different to the new age people who also take advantage of people for money? Do you even think for a second before you speak?
The question isn't really if these "toxins" exist, but that fasting will increase your health. There is no evidence that it does
So now they exist? Atleast you are slowly learning. So your statement is that no evidence shows that it will increase your health.
Okay....this is funny, but let me quote the EXACT SAME ARTICLE you quoted 2 pages back. This is right at the point you stopped quoting interesting enough
"There's considerable evidence, for instance, that severe diabetes can be brought under control quickly on a modified fast in which the patient eats nothing but 9 to 12 ounces a day of protein (meat, fish or fowl), plus electrolyte supplements, and bicarbonate of soda, says Blackburn. Eating protein slows the wasting of muscle; and with no intake of carbohydrates, blood sugar stabilizes.
Modified fasting can also lower blood pressure. During his fast, Purcell's pressure fell from 140 over 90 to 108 over 78.
Scandinavian data suggests that fasting also helps people with arthritis, says Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a guru in Belle Mead, N.J., who has overseen the fasts of thousands of patients, including Purcell, who paid $1, 200 to live in Furhman's home during his fast.
When no food is taken in, Furhman believes, the body's inflammatory response to foreign substances may decrease, thus allowing the hyperactive immune system - the hallmark of auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis - to calm down. "
Just stop for a second and think please so this doesn't have to go on forever. If you want to debate about whether fasting will help SA or something or someone in particular, that's fine. But to say outright that's there no evidence that fasting can ever help, is basically just pissing people off. That is NOT an opinion, that is arrogance. Atleast I can admit that fasting can be bad for some people or at certain times. Can you do the same in the opposite respect?