Rest? rest of what exactly? What is resting when you're fasting?
Oh come on Thelema. This isn't some wacky theory. In a normal day your body is working hard for you at night digesting the days food, your liver and kidneys are hard at work processing the foods. They don't stop. Unless you give it a small break.
For most people this isn't an issue of course if you are already strong and healthy. Your body can handle the continual load.
Food is BAD for you? Give me a break. A top level endurance athlete might consume and burn 10,000-15,000 calories a day. They will eat more before noon than you will the whole day.They will woof a Big Mac or two just to keep their calories up.
Please don't put words in my mouth. I never once said food is bad or evil.
You think fasting will make you healthier than this guy?
I hope you do realize that there are MANY athelete that fast all the time. Many even do it right before competition. I wouldn't recommend that though.
Difficult foods? What does that mean?
Ha! I really shouldn't even be responding to this. It honestly feels like a troll, even though you are a moderator?
You seriously don't know what difficult food are? Have you ever had a greasy pizza or gone to carls jr? Have you ever had a night of indigestion, acid reflux, diarrhea, upset stomach? As you get older you get more and more of these issues because your internal organs arn't as fast and strong as they used to be.
Toxic environment? Are you joking? Should we fear evil spirits as well?
Wow. Just wow. Funny and offensive at the same time. Have you ever put on the news and seen them talk about pollution? Yeah, that's a bit toxic for people

Have you ever heard them talk about how overstressed we all are with our jobs and livestyles? Yeah, stress is also toxic for people

Where were you in your health class?
Ooo yeah, fear the evil spirits! Just look at those mythical pollution spirits that light up LA's sunset /end of sarcasm.
Our brains run 24/7, as well as our body. Starving it sends it in to panic mode, it doesn't make it peaceful...a peaceful body is a dead body
Spoken from a person who has NEVER done a fast in his entire life.
Do you realize that when you do a PROPER FAST you don't feel any hunger at all? That is the biggest confusion people have with fasts.
When I eat normally, I have incredible hunger between meals because of the fluctuations of blood sugar levels. If I go on a fast, the blood sugar and other processes stabalizes and you don't even feel the slightest bit of hunger. And yes of course, if you do an extended fast, you eventually will feel true hunger. But it's a lot longer than you think.