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Eastern medicine beleives that the liver governs mood
Egyptians believed the heart did all the thinking. Stone age beliefs are best left there.
Eastern medicine beleives that the liver governs mood
My knowledge of fasting comes from Yoga and Ayurvedic philosophy (YAP). Also I have done the 10 day Master cleanse where all you drink is pretty much lemon juice.
Fasting increases your nervous energy, so it is not recommended for people who are already having excess nervous energy.
One of the reasons people get anxiety is that they weren't eating their meals on time.
Do this for a while and increase your stress over a period of time. All that nervous energy accumulates in the body and leads to problems such as these found on this website.
btw, the nervous energy that I am referring to is called Vata in Ayurveda. To balance it, you eat warm, somewhat heavy food regularly. Vata is light, cold and dry.
So to counter it, you need warm, heavy and fluid. Hence warm soups are good for it.
I am keep typing on this stuff... its going to take me for ever. But I highly recommend reading an Ayurvedic book and once you get the fundamentals.. it will blow your mind.
Its a simple medical abstraction that can show you how to fix your health issues using one's diet and habits.
Is this a critical point in society? Do we need a new kind of education curriculum in school? Maybe have a panel of government appointed people to test this out to decide if it's something good to teach to people so they aren't so apt to develop these kinds of issues?
Science is the answer
My knowledge of fasting comes from Yoga and Ayurvedic philosophy (YAP). Also I have done the 10 day Master cleanse where all you drink is pretty much lemon juice.
Fasting increases your nervous energy, so it is not recommended for people who are already having excess nervous energy.
One of the reasons people get anxiety is that they weren't eating their meals on time.
Do this for a while and increase your stress over a period of time. All that nervous energy accumulates in the body and leads to problems such as these found on this website.
You make some interesting points and I'm pleased you believe so strongly in your argument, but remember some of the best scientist, once thought the world was flat, my mind stays openbut for now i'll be choosing the path that has helped my condition thus far.
You could be right about that. It seems like chinese medicine.
What causes that?
Eastern medicine can further divided into Indian (Ayurveda), Chinese (TCM), Japanese (macrobiotic) etc
Each of these philosophies have similar leanings.
Read books by David Frawley on Ayurveda.
I can tell you that SA is having too much Vata energy. It is light, moves too much, kinda like the wind. Nervous energy falls in this category. Like Imagine how one feels when one is shaking. The main site of this energy is the Long intestine.
What is Vata dosha to give you some idea.
Look for scientific backing of these mysterious "toxins" in our bodies that are supposedly the cause of all our problems. We all have weird substances that shouldn't be there, but that doesn't mean they're killing us and it doesn't mean starving yourself gets rid of them.
That study is suspicious to me. I suspect that an active person burning more calories from activity is going to be healthier than a person that eats less and never gets off the couch. Jack Lalanne works out 2 hours a day and he's in his 90s and healthy as ever
Ha exactly, I was just about to write something just like that. You beat me to it.
What most people consider 'science' is filtered through government and corporations. If you don't believe me, just go look at the food pyramidThere are raw scientific findings, but we don't really see that. What we see is the money driven interpretation of that.
Doctors are not scientists..that's almost laughable. They are essentially glorified sales people like striker said. They work for the insurance and drug companies. And the insurance and drug companies are money driven entities.
The 'scientific research' that you hear about is usually done by the corporations for drug or profit finding or the government on behalf of corporations. They could care less about the big picture or truth. In fact, there is much more money to be made if you can break it down into small parts and treat every little part seperate.
You won't find insurance doctors advocating fasting because there's no money in it and it takes away from their business, plus they would lose their insurance because it's not what the drug and insurance companies want.
Thelema, if you are going to be a cynic, which is good, atleast be consistent.
Well these toxins are things like alkaloids, which plants make to try to prevent being eaten by animals or insects, and to poison other nearby plants. And part of the function of the liver is to detoxify them by making them more water-soluble so they can be excreted.
While it's true we selected plants for farming based on how well we could digest them, it's possible they still have an effect, if nothing else in keeping the liver busy. Why not try giving it a break and see what happens? That's scientific!
I don't think anyone claimed that toxins were the cause of all our problems. And just because the new agers are into detoxing, or that scams have arisen around it, doesn't mean there's not a basis for it.
And yes those studies on calorie restriction are also scientific. They're not claiming that they're healthier, just that they live longer. It also makes sense evolutionarily - if your food supply disappears, you're better off it your metabolism slows down so you will survive till it reappears. And a side effect of that might be living longer (at least if you're living safely in a cage).
Science is awesome. A capitalistic model thrives on growth. That applies to medicine too.
Human personalities and medical companies are driven by human psychology. Dig a little deeper into the whole medical/pharmaceutical industry. It is kinda sad that most doctors have become glorified salesmen. My experience as well as interacting with doctors on a personal level has confirmed this to me. Most doctors don't care about the patient. If they don't have a cure or knowledge about something, they will still treat you, cause its profitable.
Do you then blame Science for this. I don't think so, cause Science is a body of knowledge, where as doctors, companies have a profit motive behind them.
So framing the medical industry to be on par with Science is incorrect.
Also try to think about the direction that Science takes. It is driven by the same profit induced industry. Do you think if Science finds a cure for cancer which costs less than a $1, they will let it out?
There are a few books on such a counter point written by Doctors who are tired of such a system. Explore them and think about it. Similarly, Imagine a system of medicine which works but isn't part of the western medical money machine. How is that beneficial to the medical powers that run the current system. Especially when such a counter medical system uses simple natural herbs which aren't as expensive as synthetic drugs which can be priced as much as medical fraternity decides.
In such a growth driven world, Science gets watered down. I am talking about the practical application of techniques that Science gives us.
I have personally used Ayurveda to treat my Acid Reflux and Back pain. This did not involve using drugs. In fact, i used things we find in our kitchen to treat them. Now do I need a 'Scientific study' to confirm these findings, before I try substances i find in my kitchen?
Explore eastern medical philosophies and try to understand them if you can. Its not easy, but there abstractions and terminology are different from what we are used it. Once you 'get' them, your worldview will shake at the foundations.