... Skinny jeans are probably one of the only "fashion" innovations that I actually find offensive. They make people look like sickly polio victims, flabby torsos balancing precariously upon their set of denim-wrapped sausages.
They're also terribly impractical. What if they were in a situation that required action? What if the bear wanted to snarl off the side of their head? What then, mann? Assuming that their underdeveloped quadriceps are still functional, would their skin-tight leg wrappings allow them to lurch about quickly enough to find safety? Could they deliver an above head height round kick to the beast's face.... NO
"Don't be stumblin' now boyy, Imma gonna eat choooo!"
Skinny jeans are strangely reminiscent of...
people should take this here girly as a template to live their lives after
nearly vertical round kick for the win... and not a skinny jean in sight