Monday 18th July
Type: Outdoor Run - 12 km Easy Pace (Evening)
Distance: 12.02 km (7.51 mi)
Time: 01:09:34
Pace: 5:47 min/km (9:15 min/mi)
I've missed a couple of runs from the program, feel bad about that. I thought I'd do Sundays long run today at easy pace. Turned the light off my Garmin so I couldn't see what pace I was going and just went by perceived effort.
Tuesday 19th July
Type: Outdoor Run - Hills Training x 5 (Evening)
Distance: 7.86 km (4.91 mi)
Time: 01:01:24
Pace: 7:48 min/km (12:28 min/mi)
Hills training with Anwyn L.

1.5 km warmup, did alternating Mount Street/Bellevue Terrace (3 times) and Mount Street/Jacobs Ladder (2 times) then 1.5 km cool down. Was hard work but felt it was a little easier then previous attempts
Wednesday 20th July
Type: Outdoor Run - 6 km Easy Pace (Morning)
Distance: 6.01 km (3.76 mi)
Time: 00:33:21
Pace: 5:32 min/km (8:51 min/mi)
Recovery run, tried to run without looking at the Garmin, concentrated on easy breathing but I lapsed a tiny bit. Splits: 5:22, 5:50, 5:44, 5:37, 5:22, 5:20. Hopefully the calves don't tightened up as bad as the previous time I did Jacobs Ladder
Type: Indoor Swim (Evening)
Distance: 1800 m
Time: 01:00:00
Why do I suck so much at swimming? It's so frustrating.
Alright I'll stop updating this thread from now on ...