Exercise Log


Well-known member
Cycled to work and back today (105 km). On top of that I also played in the football game at work during noon, when it was about 30 degrees. So in total 5 hours of exercise, which might have been a bit too much of a good thing, certainly in combination with the hot weather. I must have drunk about 5 liters of water today. For the rest of the week my goal is to keep up my cycling routine, without worrying too much about the speed.


Cycled to work and back today (105 km). On top of that I also played in the football game at work during noon, when it was about 30 degrees. So in total 5 hours of exercise, which might have been a bit too much of a good thing, certainly in combination with the hot weather. I must have drunk about 5 liters of water today. For the rest of the week my goal is to keep up my cycling routine, without worrying too much about the speed.

You cycled to work 105 km, WTF :confused: A bit far isn't it :D.


Well-known member
Wednesday 29th June

Type: Outdoor Run - 5 km Easy (Morning)
Distance: 5.02 km (3.14 mi)
Time: 00:28:17
Pace: 5:37 min/km (8:59 min/mi)

Legs are a bit heavy from yesterday evenings Hill Training but happy to say no other soreness to be concerned about.
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Well-known member
Wednesday : Easy run with fast finish. 10km 49:26 (5:44, 5:19, 4:59, 5:05, 5:00, 4:55, 4:58, 4:41, 4:44, 4:03)


Well-known member
You cycled to work 105 km, WTF :confused: A bit far isn't it :D.

One way it's only 52 km, which takes about two hours. If I take public transportation it's about 1 hour 40 minutes, plus there could be delays. So in the end it doesn't make such a big difference in time.


Hm, when I'm at home I cycle most days 8-10 km one way and the same back. It takes me about 1 hour altogether. Yeah I cycled once also 100 km (in Mexico) it took me whole afternoon about.. I think it's manageable but cycling like this routinely to work I find a bit stretch :D. Unless I got paid for it too :). But yeah there are also cycle couriers who cycle 9-6 in the city. I considered it too but the hours are really offputting...
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Well-known member
Thursday 30th June

Type: Outdoor Run - Sub Maximal Interval 35 min (Morning)
Distance: 7.59 km (4.74 mi)
Time: 00:38:11
Pace: 5:01 min/km (8:01 min/mi)

Roughly 10 minutes warmup, 15 minutes fast pace and 10 minutes cooldown. My calves felt worse this morning, really tender and sore, from Jacobs Ladder on Tuesday so this run was really tough. It was a pure mental run as I so wanted to slow down/walk within minutes of the fast pace section. Managed to run the 15 minutes at 4:41 min/km. Glad that's over.


Well-known member
Thursday; 12km 54:57 (5:33, 4:46, 4:31, 4:36, 4:39, 4:40, 4:16, 4:22, 4:29, 4:18, 4:24, 4:21)

@ 4:35 last 10km 44:37 @ 4:28/km last 5km 21:55 2 @ 4:23/km

I'm feeling a lot lighter and striding out much better.
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Well-known member
Today I have lifted my coffee mug seventy-six times. I have pushed 4354 buttons on my keyboard. I have walked to and from the bathroom three times. I have lifted the remote control for the TV four times.

Time to take a break ::p:


Well-known member
Saturday 2nd July

Type: Outdoor Run - 7.5 km Marathon Pace (ie. moderate) (Evening)
Distance: 7.53 km (4.71 mi)
Time: 00:38:46
Pace: 5:09 min/km (8:14 min/mi)

I actually thought this was an Easy Pace run until I got home and checked the schedule. Not a problem though as I did run at a moderate pace. I am trying to shake these tight calf muscles. Anyway nice run in drizzly weather. Also officially registered for the City to Surf Half Marathon.


Well-known member
Finished my half marathon. I did 94:02 and came 589th/8901 runners. A slightly negative split. Still off my best, but an improvement.

Yes, get into running Paahi, you'll enjoy it. It's hard work, but great fun.
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Well-known member
Sunday 3rd July

Type: Outdoor Run - 15 km Fast Pace (Afternoon)
Distance: 15.02 km (9.39 mi)
Time: 01:14:52
Pace: 4:59 min/km (7:58 min/mi)

Ran from Leeming to Mount Henry bridge and along the river then returned back. It was a decent run, felt good, calves are still sore but not a problem on the run (ie. no steps to encounter!). Splits: 5:02, 5:00, 5:05, 4:56, 5:03, 5:03, 4:54, 4:50, 5:04, 4:59, 5:07, 5:05, 5:04, 4:54, 4:39. Consistent run, ran hard for the last km as I wanted to get below 5:00 min/km. Average HR 164 (89% of MHR).

Kiwong, nice race mate, still damn fast :)
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Well-known member
Monday 4th July

Type: Outdoor Run - 3 km Easy Pace (Morning)
Distance: 3.08 km (1.93 mi)
Time: 00:18:07
Pace: 5:52 min/km (9:23 min/mi)

How cold was it this morning?! My hands and fingers are frozen, I'm having a real hard time typing this :)
Ran from Leeming to Mount


Well-known member
Thanks Coyote and Replica. I'm coming back, with running you've got to be patient.

It wasn't cold in the Gold Coast Half. I was sweating and thirsty after about 5km.


Well-known member
Monday 4th July

Type: Indoor Swim (Evening)
Distance: 1800 m (1968 yd)
Time: 01:00:00

It's been 3 weeks since my last swim. I was worried that I may have forgotten how but I did alright tonight :)


Well-known member
Tuesday 5th July

Type: Outdoor Run - Maximal Intervals (Evening)
Distance: 5.69 km (3.56 mi)
Time: 00:56:51
Pace: 9:59 min/km (15:58 min/mi)

Friend proposed we do some hills instead of regular intervals. Sure why not! Ran up Mount Street 5 times (recovery walk to bottom of hill). Ugh! So very hard, was getting slower and slower on each run. Couldn't quite make the whole length on the last couple. Distance and time includes both warmup and cooldown (jog/walk).

Wednesday 6th July

Type: Outdoor Run - 5 km Easy (Evening)
Distance: 5.12 km (3.20 mi)
Time: 00:32:16
Pace: 6:18 min/km (10:04 min/mi)

First time my glutes have been a little sore from running, obviously the hill work yesterday worked them harder, interesting. Not much to report on this run, was slow and easy. Ran most of it with semi high knee technique, trying to be light on the feet and picturing running up hill.

Thursday 7th July

Type: Outdoor Run - 4 km Easy (Evening)
Distance: 4.03 km (3.20 mi)
Time: 00:24:17
Pace: 6:01 min/km (9:37 min/mi)

Brought my gloves this time :)
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