My Blood Sugar Experiments
I want to let you in on a little experiment i'm going to do today.
I cut out sugar, all sugar (fruit, grains, sugars) for a week. I was very different for a week! I was frantically searching for old friends phone numbers to hang out with somebody, and was desperate to go to the gym? (chronic fatigue gone??)
After reintroducing sugar (fruit sugar, but really sugary things like dates) into my diet about a week ago, I've been having insaaaane insomnia (I haven't slept most nights, and I sleep in the day, whereas the week before on no sugar I was going to bed at 10pm) , I have started to skip school again out of anxiety, feel a lot more fatigued/weak and things of this nature. I've been reading up on hypoglycemia extensively and am almost 100% certain that this is what is affecting me.
Most common symptoms of hypoglycemia, studied on 600 patients with hypoglycemia by Dr Gyland in 1957
Nervous 94%
Exhaustion 87%
Irritation, outbursts 89%
Headache, migraine 72%
Depression 77%
Digestive upset, ulcer 69%
Insomnia 62%
Allergies, asthma 43%
Phobias 23%
Rheumatoid arthritis 24%
Previous diagnoses:
Neurotic 78%
Hypochondriac 76%
Alcoholic 20%
Post-partum disorders 19%
Menopausal 16%
Symptoms of low blood sugar and caused by 3 main things:
1. The blood sugar in general being low, causing "weakness, nervousness, irritability and mental dullness"
2. "The second category of symptoms stem from stress hormones secreted to raise the blood sugar when it falls below normal. One of these hormones is the fight-or-flight hormone
adrenalin which affects mood dramatically, causing heightened vigilance, shaking, sweating, tremulousness, anxiety, irritability or even paranoia without any change in present circumstances."
3."The third category of symptoms is caused by "neuroglycopenia" (literally "brain-sugar-lack.") Glucose reaches the brain cells by the slow process of diffusion from the capillaries, so the brain runs out of fuel if low blood sugar persists. Incredibly, brain metabolism fell to 22% of baseline in experimental, insulin-induced hypoglycemia (Himwich 1944). The cortex suffers first, so cortical functions such as insight are the first to be affected which means that the sufferer can have little insight into the cause of the suffering."
I'm getting a lot of this info from one page,
Hypoglycemia & Neurosis if you are interested in reading more.
3 examples of hypoglycemia
Number 3 was me yesterday so accurately...
I'm going to go out and buy a blood glucose monitor! Then I'm going to run some tests and put them on here, as well as document how I feel (if i'm feeling something strong, like sudden anxiety) while I test my sugar after eating sugary things, and then avoiding sugary things. I'm really excited, and totally thing it's worth the 50 bucks for a monitor and test strips if this gives me some legitimate linkage, it could fill a lot of gaps